Garden Photo of the Day

Alliums amongst the ferns

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Photo/Illustration: Kerry Ann Moore

Soft-textured hay-scented ferns (Dennstaedtia punctilobula, USDA Hardiness Zones 3-8) are the perfect foil for the spherical blooms of an allium (Allium sp., Zones 3-11) After the blooms have faded, the allium’s seed heads will still look just as good tucked amongst the ferns’ foliage, or the alliums can be deadheaded and forgotten until next spring.

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View 6 comments


  1. Stoatley 06/25/2010


  2. Meg1941 06/25/2010

    That is so lovely. I assume the alliums do well in the shade since they are pictured amongt ferns. I'd like to try that.
    Meg McLean

  3. BeechwoodGardens 06/25/2010

    Simply breath taking. Now I know exactly what to put in that shady spot. Just lovely.

  4. KariLonning 06/26/2010

    Wonderful colors and textures!

  5. StoneArt 06/29/2010

    Wow they go great together the mix of textures is fab.

  6. arboretum 07/07/2010

    how did i miss this one? this is soooo cool!!!! instant transformation from one dimensional beauty to magical.

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