Few plants evoke tropicalia quite like the Brugmansias, with their voluminous tubular flowers that drip from imposing shrubs or small trees. The blossoms pour out from narrow calyces to terminate in wide, wavy or reflexed openings.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsLarge, trumpet-shaped blossoms in variable hues of white, yellow, and peach create a riveting display. They look fantastic in containers or plunged into a border, and the dramatic display persists from late spring until autumn. In cooler climates, they may be placed under glass or cut back and held in a cool basement. All parts are highly toxic if ingested.
CareOutdoors: grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Indoors: water freely and fertilize during bloom, and keep just moist in winter.
PropagationTake semi-ripe cutttings in summer; sow seed in spring.
ProblemsSpider mites, whiteflies, mealy bugs.