Garden Photo of the Day

Another gorgeous hosta

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Yesterday’s hosta was tops for glamour, but today’s, also in Eve and Per Thyrum’s garden in Wilmington, Delaware, is incredibly satisfying, too. This one is neat, tidy, and oh-so-pretty in a more subdued way. It’s Hosta nigrescens (USDA Hardiness Zones 3-9), and it grows up to 28 inches tall and wide.

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  1. Vojt 04/12/2011

    One of my favorites. I've had young plants throw up flower scapes almost 6 feet tall. The elegant vase shape of the plants show particularly well when kept divided.

  2. natalie4b 04/12/2011

    Wow! It's a mother of all hosta!

  3. Happily_Gardening 04/12/2011

    Love the owl!

  4. stanhorst 04/12/2011

    This is a great hosta. We have several on the hillside overlooking our pool. It fills out nicely for the summer, and even has blooms that extend a foot or so above the foliage. I have noticed that this variety is much slower to break through the ground than our other hostas, but the size and presence make up for the slow start.

    Stan Horst

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