There are stairs everywhere at Les Quatre Vents, and they range from carefully constructed stone masterpieces (some dripping with moss) to steep log stairs that wind through foliage-covered hillsides. They’re all works of art that fit into the landscape beautifully. Here are just a few.

**All last week and this week, we’ve been featuring photos of the gardens at Les Quatre Vents, the home of Frank and Anne Cabot in Quebec. If you’d like read more about this garden, check out this interview with Frank Cabot that ran in the April 2005 issue of Fine Gardening. Frank also whote a book about the garden. You can get it on Amazon here.**

Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.
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The steps are so lovely! -and so impassable for anyone with walking issues.
I realize that accessibility isn't the prime concern here, but perhaps a series of photos of accessible paths and
functional, artistic railings would be of interest.
Love the charming moss accents but had to smile because my husband would be out there with the pressure washer tidying things up in the name of safety!
Dear Michelle:
I was SO TOUCHED by this garden today in your Blog. Frank is a superb writer and touches my heart with his sensitivities and transparency of soul. I connected so well with his vision for a garden and how to design your own "personal" garden so that it evokes your own spirit to those who visit. I will definitely ask my husband to buy his book for me as a Christmas gift! I definitely HAVE to visit this garden. I live about 8 hours from his Les Quatre Vents garden so on my next visit to Quebec I would love to see his garden. How does one go about enquiring about touring his garden? Does he have it open at certain times in the growing season for tours? How can I contact him via email or phone to enquire about a tour of his lovely garden?
I unfortunately have been mourning the loss of my dear sister this past week or so and have not had time to read your other blog entries on this fabulous garden. How can I access your other posts on this garden if I have mistakenly deleted "Garden Photo of the Day" from my Inbox? thanks so much
I have found today's blog so healing to my soul as I continue to mourn the loss of my dear, sister.
PS- My husband and I are travelling to Washington, DC in a week or so and hope to visit the Botanical Gardens on the Mall...they sound so delightful...any other suggestions or gardens for us to visit?
So lovely, I just love all the different steps and the way they have been allowed to age naturally. they all fir with the landscape so beautifully, I am a great fan of moss and transplant it to fill in between patio stones etc it gives a lovely soft look and is definitely easy care. Thanks for sharing all these photos of this lovely and creative garden.
All the textures and shades of green softly merging are so comforting to view... how beautiful.
So many beautiful things going on here at once.Everything compliments each other so beautifully.So serene!!!
So many beautiful things going on here at once.Everything compliments each other so beautifully.So serene!!!
I too have marveled at this gorgeous garden. I would like to visit and wonder how i might do this.
jan, you may want to know about http://www.gardenweb.com where people discuss all matters gardening. if you sign up (free) and go to the No.Va. or DC area or some other thread, you can ask that question, w/ lots of responses. Longwood gardens is only 1.5-2 hrs north of DC and is one of the greatest gardens in the world.
in DC itself, the National arboretum is a must and the Edith Haupf gardens next to the National Gallery as well. remember- google is your friend. this FGPOD is not the forum for your questions, from what i have seen since it began.
Peaceofpie, you can view all the Garden Photos of the Day to date by clicking on the banner at the top of this page or by using this link: https://www.finegardening.com/blog/garden-photo
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