Garden Photo of the Day

A Collaboration with Nature

River birch trees (Betula nigra), with graceful drooping limbs holding bright yellow leaves attract birds and squirrels who eat their seeds. 

Did you know it takes 45 minutes to stroll through Irvin & Pauline Faria's garden in Carmichael, California? Today we get through half of it! 

"Our woodland garden is the product of a close collaboration with nature. To the best of our ability, through the use of color and texture, we have during the past 52 years attempted to enrich and enhance the best features of the landscape. We want to share an early morning stroll through Pauline’s Garden before the forecasted rain showers wash away the splendor of the autumn foliage. With oak trees as their canopy, 180 Japanese maple trees are the principle contributor to the landscape beauty. River birch trees at the garden entry launch the character of the woodland setting."

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In the foreground an Orangeola Japanese maple noted for its brilliant color is aligned with Acer palmatum Japanese maples in the background. 

Maidenhair ferns, Garnet Japanese maple, and Acer mono Usugumo Japanese maple (bat’s wing leaf form) have a distinct venue in the upper garden. 

This is the upper rear garden as seen from our bedroom windows. Nature’s cathedrals of Japanese maple tree trucks frame distinct color vistas. 

A magnificent Dogwood is framed in a background of a Liquidambar’s leaves and branches. 

European White Birch exploding with color. 

Fireglow Japanese maple is one of the best upright Japanese maple trees for hot sun exposure. Its autumn foliage is always magnificent. 

Chitose yama Japanese maple framed by European White Birch tree trunks. 

Likened to a wall-hanging tapestry, oak, Japanese maple, and birch trees present a botanical spectacle. 

Mom and her baby frog over look a Crimson Queen Japanese maple whose delicate lacy red branches and leaves cascade above a pond. 

View 17 comments


  1. bsavage 12/14/2015

    Stunning. Just truly stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/14/2015

    Irvin and Pauline, I found myself nodding in agreement at your use of the evocative phrase "nature's cathedral" and thought "Yes. especially this time of the year with the colorations of the leaves like stained glass." Love your picture of your 'Fireglow'...such a stellar beauty. I have one and it never fails to delight me.
    I hope we are going to have a second day of pictures tomorrow so we can stroll the next half of your garden.

  3. user-4691082 12/14/2015

    Such a treat on this foggy Pennsylvania morning! Thank you!

  4. greengenes 12/14/2015

    What a wonderful place! Color galore and I can imagine in spring when it is all fresh with new growth! This is truly a wonder! Thanks for sharing it with us all! Merry Christmas to all!

  5. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/14/2015

    Hi Irvin and Pauline, I have admired your garden as featured in Fine Gardening magazine and here on GPOD for many years. You all are so talented and your garden perfectly reflects the love, inspiration, and design know-how in its great beauty and superb collection of plants. Pleas keep posting, it's a always a joy to see your gardens.

  6. hontell 12/14/2015

    Photoshop, no way all those beautiful colors could show up like that in nature. Just kidding, your garden never fails to amaze me. thank you for the eye candy

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/14/2015

    Amazing, as always. Such a treat to take a virtual stroll through your amazing garden and to view your collection of Japanese maples. Orangeola and Usugumo are pure delight!

  8. user-5357533 12/14/2015

    Ok, I give up. I'm definitely looking at dwarf japanese maples now. They are just too gorgeous not to have some. Thanks for the pics.

  9. NCYarden 12/14/2015

    Love it! Ticking all my check boxes.

  10. Cenepk10 12/14/2015

    Man- That was a treat to see. No color here this year- Just brown & down. Weird with all the rain. That dogwood pic was magnificent ! Glad I got to see !!!

  11. GrannyMay 12/14/2015

    Thank you Irvin and Pauline! Your garden is beautiful and reflects all the hard work and thought that has gone into making the most of your location in a very nature-friendly way. All the views are stunning, my favourite being the one from your bedroom windows.

  12. GrannyCC 12/14/2015

    Always wonderful to view your stunning garden. I love the view from your bedroom window. What a sight to wake up to. It truly is nature's cathedral. That Crimson Queen Maple is magnificent. How old is it? Were you effected by the drought this past year?

  13. sheila_schultz 12/14/2015

    Irvin and Pauline, your gardens are breathtaking as always. The colors and textures of your magnificent trees and plant materials are so perfectly and comfortably positioned I always feel as if I am looking at a magnificent painting. I look forward to continuing our visual stroll through your gardens tomorrow.Thank you for sharing the beauty you so lovingly have created.

  14. wGardens 12/14/2015

    Magnificent! Always, one of my favorite gardens to "visit". Sensational Japanese Maples. Looks like Paradise to me! Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. cynthiamccain 12/15/2015

    Darn, all the superlatives have been used, but bear repeating--stunning, lovely, magnificent and amazing. So beautiful and inspiring; thank you!

  16. 12/15/2015

    Amazing landscape!

  17. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 12/15/2015

    Your Japanese maples make me want to jump into the future to see how our 30 or so babies will look 10-20 years from now:) You are so lucky to have had 52 years on the same property to watch it blossom into something so beautiful. That must be very rewarding. Thanks for the day brightener.

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