Garden Photo of the Day

Daniel’s tropical garden in AUSTRALIA

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Daniel Charles

Today’s photos are from the other side of the globe, in Australia! They’re from Daniel Charles, and he says, “I am a passionate gardener, and I have created my own little touch of the tropics in my backyard in Berwick, Melbourne. It has taken 3 years to create from a blank canvas.”

Oh, Daniel, we need to know MORE!! What is your climate like? What were your biggest challenges? What are your favorite things about the garden? It’s beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing!

So, I’ve been asked to give a talk on the GPOD blog at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle in February, and I am, I must admit, TERRIFIED! I mean, the lecture hall they’re putting me in holds HUNDREDS of people! I’m shaking in my boots just thinking about it. Behind a keyboard is where I’m most comfortable, NOT behind a podium, but I am excited to be able to show off some of your awesome gardens! The thing is, I can’t decide which ones to feature. So I’m asking YOU, the actual readers of the blog, to tell me which posts, over the past 4 years, have insired and wowed you the most. You can either comment here or email me at HERE‘s a link to the blog roll, where you can scroll through every post ever featured. You can also search by state HERE, or if you remember a person’s name, you can search for them in the website’s search bar. I will be SOOOO grateful, you guys. THANK YOU!! Hey… it just occurred to me that I might actually meet some of you there–so exciting!

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View 23 comments


  1. dirtgirl1949 12/16/2013

    Fantastic, wonderful to view such an amazing tropical garden, down there in Melbourne, this could so easily pass for a garden up there in Far North Queensland. Well done Daniel from a fellow Aussie. Keep up the good work!

  2. gloriaj 12/16/2013

    Now this is what I need on this cold and snowy morning a tropical retreat. Everything is beautiful.

  3. GardenGrl1 12/16/2013

    The beauty of your tropical garden has made me envious today, as I look out upon a yard full of snow and a 16 degree Fahrenheit temperature.

    I hope you don't mind, I have saved a couple of your photos for my "dream garden" folder.

    Thank you so much for sharing! You have a beautiful landscape!

  4. flowerladydi 12/16/2013

    I truly loved viewing your photos Daniel!,,,,, so lush and ' tropical '!,,,, and so very little of what we in my zone 5 garden can grow other than in pots for summer.,, it is so great to actually see all that put into one fabulous garden! Tropicals are so much fun and so large,,,, makes me feel like a vacation as I am waking up to 8 degrees!,,, beautifully done,,, your patio/deck is wonderful and looks like such an inviting place to have guests or just sit with a cool drink at the end of the day.

  5. wGardens 12/16/2013

    Fabulous! It all looks like a work of art! Did you design the structures yourself? What is the gazebo roof constructed of? Love the design of the "umbrellas" over the tables. You truly have a gift of making a wonderful and VERY inviting space!

  6. Wife_Mother_Gardener 12/16/2013

    Tropical paradise! Thanks for sharing!

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/16/2013

    Daniel, you are helping to raise us gpod-ers to garden connoisseurs on an international level. Your structures are wonderful and give your garden the feeling of a tropical resort get-away. You have done an amazing job...period... but to think you accomplished all the design of bed locations and shapes, plant selection and installation, and created those wonderful mini- pavilions in just 3 years...well, just simply amazing!

  8. cwheat000 12/16/2013

    Daniel this is great. I love the gazebo, the lighting , the stone mulch, the edging, and of course the great selection of plants. Your collection of bromeliads are fabulous. Thank you for the tropical getaway. Michelle, I once heard of a survey that asked people what they fear most. The number one answer was public speaking. Number two was death. I think that says it all. Just remember most of the audience will be pretty sympathetic. As an A student in middle school, I took an F on an oral report, because I just couldn't bear to do it. I have gotten better. My job sometimes asks me to give garden classes to dozens( admittedly not hundreds) of shoppers. I have to speak for an hour and a half. I find once I get started, I can speak about gardening for a pretty long time. We will all be cheering you on. As far as gpod,ERS to highlight, of course tntreeman, meander1, vojt, and the regulars are a no brainer. I will try to review and give you some more names. I can picture many , but can't remember the names without my first cup of coffee.

  9. Quiltingmamma 12/16/2013

    Lovely garden to view on this cold, cold day in Canada. I am amazed at how well established it all looks in only 3 years. Great Job. I love all the little buildings. They really encourage an outdoor lifestyle. I note the heater, so some time it much get a little chilly. I think the photos are great too. I don't know if they are all your original shots, or some judicious cropping on Michelle's part but they really showcase some interesting areas. Thanks.

  10. greengenes 12/16/2013

    All I can say is "Wow"! yes, I can feel the warmth of the weather and taste the mojitos already! Very nice, Daniel! Amazing work in 3 yrs. but everything grows fast down under! Thanks for sharing with us! Isnt it fun! I cant get enough! Well Michelle.. you will do just fine at the garden show. Most of us are gardeners who go to this show and we are kind, loving, accepting, forgiving, creative, suggestive, supportive...etc.. iam sure iam leaving something out! But I will see you there! Iwill be going probably more than once! It will be great to meet you!

  11. wwross 12/16/2013

    This is gorgeous and right about now, I am thinking about a large fruity rum drink with a fancy straw.

  12. celiahoneysuckle 12/16/2013

    Such lush growth. Did you build the structures? All very nice.

  13. sheila_schultz 12/16/2013

    Daniel, you have created a tropical getaway worthy of an island resort in your own back yard... in only 3 years? You definitely are a passionate gardener! It's beautiful, and yes, we do need details.

  14. wildthyme 12/16/2013

    Daniel, I especially enjoyed your photos today since many Australian plants also thrive where I used to garden in California, and I really miss some of them, particularly the grevillea, causarina (she-oak), and jatropha. Do you have any of these in your garden? Nice palapa!

  15. GrannyMay 12/16/2013

    That first picture said it all! What a lush and tropical haven you have created Daniel, with ample places to sit, relax, meditate or entertain! Did you build those fantastic structures yourself? Beautiful!

    Your sunny bright garden couldn't be more different from our cool and mysteriously misty views right now, and I love looking at both. Thank you for sharing.

    Michelle, you can do it! Your audience will be gardeners, known for being warm, sharing and caring, friendly folks.

  16. wildthyme 12/16/2013

    Michele, something that used to help me before public speaking was to let out some really loud screams (best done in the car en route!). It releases a lot of tension. If that doesn't work there's always zanax . . .

  17. tractor1 12/16/2013

    What a contrast with my recent 14" dump of the white stuff and single digit mornings... oh yeah, that looks like the pina coladas, grilled fresh seafood, and pina coladas zone. I love all that bamboo, fantastic craftsmanship! Tropical is an understatement... and I wish I could see that medicine man in person, great lighting. I need more photos and explantions... thank you, Daniel.

    Michelle, public speaking often requires some vocal cord lubrication, pina colada works well. I think a talk on edibles would work well; veggies, fruits, and especially tropicals... cashew fruit wine is fabulous, so is custard apple ice cream.

  18. annek 12/16/2013

    Whooooeeee, the beach can't be far away. What an oasis you've created in record time! The gazebo is spectacular, the side yard a dream. What talent! Thanks for making this cold Montana day warm and least in my mind

    Michelle, I'm sure you've heard the old tip to imagine everyone in the audience in their underwear. Keeps your mind laughing and the seriousness of presentation light-hearted. I also second greengenes comments about the kindness of gardeners...yup, it's in the genes (or is it jeans?)

  19. pattyspencer 12/16/2013

    So tropical looking - makes me feel like I'm on an island somewhere far far away from the snow! Oh wait - Australia IS an island - far far away from the snow!!! lol Beautiful pics - making me all the more wanting for spring to return.

    Michelle - you will do just fine - I'm excited for you that you get this opportunity - just don't focus on faces - look over their heads and you won't even know they are there.

  20. palmgirl 12/16/2013

    wow, this is truly beautiful. particularly love the statues. Well-done Daniel.

  21. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/16/2013

    You know the funny thing, Michelle, is how shy and intimidated some of those in the audience will be because of your body of work in such a well regarded publication as Fine Gardening. You are a many time published writer and that counts for a lot. Everyone will be interested in every little insight you have to offer...ahhh, the power is in your hands!
    On another note, it's been fun getting an idea of people's adult beverage of choice when a tropical vacation vibe is in the air

  22. sheila_schultz 12/17/2013

    Meander1... I do love you. You are a good woman and a wonderful soul. You give us GPOD'rs a reason to smile 5 days a week. Thank you.

  23. tractor1 12/17/2013

    Sheila_Schultz: For me it's seven days a week, I don't forget people on the weekend... in fact I remember them more, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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