Garden Photo of the Day

Fading into Fall

Nenita Franck's Oregon garden is fading into fall as she keeps busy with trimming, propogating, dividing and cleaning up!

"My garden is on the Oregon Coast in Gleneden Beach. The pictures were taken in Sept. close to the first days of the Fall season.  The Hydrangeas are fading into beautiful muted colors. Blooming now are Sunflowers, Schizostylis in pink and red, red, white and pink Roses, Cotoneaster and Skimea with red berries, Fushias with multi-colors, in red and pink, Heather, Lavender, Sweet William, Self-heal, Selene, and Asters in blue and bright pink!  I've been busy trimming, propagating, dividing and cleaning up while enjoying the wonderful scent from the flowers of Abelia!"

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View 17 comments


  1. wGardens 09/28/2015

    Enjoyed your photos~ quite lovely! Those hydrangeas are wonderful. Love the colorization of your photo composition!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/28/2015

    Hi, Nenita, your pictures have a calming dreamy quality and communicate a pleasing tranquility. Is the red flowering plant in picture #2 a Schizostylis ? I have never heard of it but it is very attractive and reminds me a little of a perennial type gladiola. Obviously, it is blooming for you now in the fall but when does it start with its flowering? That's a beautiful hydrangea in the last picture...seems like it is treating you to some blue flowers as well as lovely.

  3. sheila_schultz 09/28/2015

    Nenita, thank you for giving us a glimpse into the beautiful fall season of your gardens. The flowers are definitely showing off for your camera, they are beautiful as are the soft tones of the photographs!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 09/28/2015

    Looks great, Nenita. Seems like you are gardening in the midst of a hilly forest. I bet that is a challenge and a wonderful scene. I love the anemone with the fuchsia in the background, and that Schizostylis is amazing. Wish it were hardier!

    1. nenitafranck 09/29/2015

      The hilly forest is a challenge. I wear soccer shoes. I stuck cuttings in the ground. It's impossible for me to dig a big hole for the roots on the hill. Our native fushia is pink. I also have the multi colored ones. They are trouble free and require heavy trimming.

  5. User avater
    gringopeligroso 09/28/2015

    I TOTALLY agree with Margaret! Your tones and hues in your garden and photos SO set the stage for my favourite time of year and impart a warm yet magical quiet time for reflection. (Almost a "Victorian" mood!! Love it!!) And, yet one shouldn't ignore the show still ongoing with the "Late Bloomers!!" (Being one myself, I can relate a little tooo well!!)
    Also: I'm TOTALLY envious of your Fuschias. So very few varieties make it through our triple digit heat and here we must enjoy them as Daffodils and Lilacs....fleeting celebrations of re-awakening! (But, unlike the two examples, fuschias Don't come back...sigh..... )

  6. greengenes 09/28/2015

    Well what a wonderful place to garden...At an Oregon beachside! I so love it down there. The fogginess in your photos is so nice and dreamy. This certainly is a good time of year for dividing, pruning and moving. Hope you have a wonderful season ahead!

  7. User avater
    HelloFromMD 09/28/2015

    Hi Nenita, I would like to hear more about your growing conditions. Your soil, light, any effect from the ocean? I studied soils and how about our East coast soils, Piedmont and Coastal Plain. I am somewhat knowledgeable about the 'prairie' country. But I really don't know a thing about where you garden other than you can grow plants not hardy to my area (zone 6), Some of the most exciting trends in gardening seem to originate from the Northwest. I would love to read your comments. Your garden looks lovely and I like the unusual lighting in the photos. are they early morning or evening shots?

    1. nenitafranck 09/29/2015

      A neighbor told me that we have sandy soil. I have seen some sandy areas. There is top soil in some area from construction. Also, it was previously a forest. The soil is full of pine roots. Then there's the problem with water absorbtion and poor drainage. Soil is acidic.

      Our front is SE. Direct sunlight is minimal. It is foggy and windy from the Ocean. Our local temp is mostly in the 50's-60's. But, we have had some light snow. It's usually moist during the Winter. I did have to water more this past Summer.

      The pics were taken mid day with some fog.

      1. User avater
        HelloFromMD 09/29/2015

        Hello again. Of course, it makes perfect sense that your soil is sandy and acidic. I have subscribed to Fine Gardending mag for many years and have seen beautiful gardens full of Rhododendrons. These shrubs need very acidic soil. Their roots are shallow and like a loose humus decay of leaves to move through. We can also grow rhodos well unless the property was limed and then we have to adjust the pH. Surprised at the poor drainage. Sandy soil (here on the Eastern shore) drains rapidly. Do you have a high water table? When you create garden beds do you add organic matter? I haven't ever gardened under foggy conditions. Does the fog help with providing water to the plants or just reducing transpiration? Do you have problems with fungal disease? Here in MD the summers are very humid and fungal disease is a problem. I have a large clematis collection that is brown by mid summer due to disease. So I have to figure out how to deal with that. I wonder if that soil and acidity would let you grow beautiful dwarf conifers. (hope I'm not boring you I come from a farming family and am always curious about soil and growing conditions.)

        1. nenitafranck 09/30/2015

          I just spent the day hard trimming my Clematis. I had them climbing my trees, shrubs, and Rhodis. I had really encouraged them to grow and they grew out of control even causing shade which the garden doesn't need. I had a nice season of blooms from them this past Spring and I'll most likely miss them next Spring.
          Soil doesn't interest me. I don't amend or fertilize and only hope for the growth and blooms. I let the plants decide to grow and bloom. I do make sure that the soil accepts water for the plants. I move plants around for sun exposure.
          I've been full time gardening for about 5 yrs. now and just learning my growing conditions. I have been tempted to start edible gardening but the garden lacks heat, and sun. My husband and I have lived in the heat and cold and now enjoy our mild, cool climate with fog and rain.

  8. BoxwoodBarbara 09/28/2015

    Nerita, there is a painterly quality in your garden photographs that reminds me of 17th century Flemish paintings. Please send us more each season.

  9. user-7007831 09/28/2015

    absolutely gorgeous! so inviting!

    1. nenitafranck 09/29/2015


  10. Yeddi 09/28/2015

    Did you take your pictures in early evening? The quality of the light is just beautiful and they really do look like medieval tapestries. I am very intrigued with the soft blush like effect you have captured for your beautiful garden. Thank you for sharing.

    1. nenitafranck 09/29/2015

      About mid am. Photography is another of my hobbies. I'm just a beginner at both.

      1. Yeddi 10/02/2015

        Me too, but I think that my pictures may be improving. Not sure I could replicate the beautiful light in your photos,though.

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