Garden Photo of the Day

Front Yard Fall

Steve Hayward shares a blast of beautiful fall colors from Utah.

"What's not to like about fall except maybe the leaf raking? It's satisfying to see the culmination the year's efforts in the garden morph into such beautiful colors and know it was definitely worth all the hard work. This past summer I shared pictures of my wife's and my separate patios. Now let me show you a bit of 'fall in the front'."

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View 17 comments


  1. user-4691082 11/03/2015

    Great job, Steve! Such beautiful fall colors. Such crisp bed lines. Do you use everedge? Thanks for sharing!

    1. user-7007688 11/04/2015

      Thanks for the compliment about the yard.You asked me about everedge and I don't know what that is. I use what someone told me is called a French edge. All it is is a deep edge maintained by my line trimmer. It's not really that hard to keep looking sharp. Again, thank you for the comments.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/03/2015

    Hi, Steve, I remember well your previous submissions with the fun Battle of the Patios theme. Looks like your love for vibrant colors continues to be fully expressed in the fall with those dynamite mums and your selections of Japanese maples. Everything looks great and I am humbly envious of your impeccably cared for beds...looks like weeds don't stand a chance!

  3. User avater
    HelloFromMD 11/03/2015

    Hey, Steve. I think your front garden should join New England in being famous for fabulous fall color. Your maples are awesome.

  4. NCYarden 11/03/2015

    Nice setting. Love the blazing and stunning Fall colors.

  5. Chris_N 11/03/2015

    Beautiful trees and shrubs. Nice use of mums and ornamental kale to fill in. I may steal your sign idea for next Halloween.

  6. katieerb 11/03/2015

    Wow, gorgeous color.. we just don't get that much color in our part of the country, truly beautiful!

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/03/2015

    Steve, so great to see out front; absolutely as great as your patios. You've really chosen some amazing specimens for fall color. I'm crazy about the simple, offset design of your front walkway, and the curvy-edged bed is a wonderful contrast. Just great design and it really shows off the containers and plantings. I was really slow on the uptake with the Dead and Breakfast....I wondered if you got many guests with a crazy name like that....Duh. Halloween.

  8. greengenes 11/03/2015

    Beautiful fall colors! Love the sign and the shape of the walkway!

  9. wGardens 11/03/2015

    what a wonderful explosion of autumn colors! Thanks for sharing!

  10. VikkiVA 11/04/2015

    Stunning color and lovely placement of shrubs and annuals! Love your planters too. Vikki in VA

  11. Cenepk10 11/04/2015

    Bah humbug. I hate fall. But great photos ! Thank you. I hate DST I hate cold. I hate squirrels making my dog crazy gathering pecans.

  12. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 11/04/2015

    Beautiful fall color and like others here, I love your sidewalk. Your gardens must give you and your neighbors great pleasure.

  13. MuffettG 11/04/2015


  14. appaloosa 11/04/2015

    Is this really a bed and breakfast place?

  15. rospin 11/04/2015

    Qué lindo y tierno jardín

  16. ClareRocky 11/07/2015

    WOW! Those maples are magnificent! Absolutely glorious!

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