Today’s photos are from Alan Donges, assistant curator of horticulture at the Toledo Zoo. He says, “Although it is near the end of the season The Toledo Zoo’s rose garden and lily pool is still a favorite spot for our visitors to stop and linger.

“The garden consists of approximately 40 different varieties of hybrid tea, grandiflora, and floribunda roses. Mixed in among the roses are some 20 different varieties of perennials. The lily pool contains chromatella and hollandia hardy water lilies. Containers of annuals are used as accents around the pool and pergola making it an inviting spot to stop and take a rest, a photo, or just enjoy the view.”

Darnit! I was in Toledo this spring visiting the Toledo Botanical Garden, and if I’d known about this, I would have visited here, too! It looks amazing, Alan, thanks so much for clueing us in.

This is prime time to take some photos in your garden. So get out there with your cameras and send some in! Email them to GPOD@taunton.com.

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i would stop and linger there as well. glad to see V. bonariensis (verbena on a stick) i always like that plant anywhere it is growing and any garden structures always ignite my curiosity (nosiness) beautiful resting spot and family photo area
This is a zoo, WOW. Beautiful. I would visit here anytime.
gloriaj, if you see this,,,,,i am now covered up in figs. hope yours are beginning to ripen
AH, what a lovely treat for zoo visitors! Great photos, also!!! (esp. love the clematis!) Looks like a wonderful all-day venture.
Looks great! Honestly, i think this is the best time of year for most containers: dense and exhuberant! Nice work.
vojt, i agree those containers are exuberant and dense but sadly here at home my containers are starting to look worn out. not sure if they are getting tired or i am getting tired
What a beautiful public space...is it located near the entry/exit area or well inside the zoo area? And what is housed in the building that looks like a glass conservatory? All plants? some butterflies? gift shops? reptile house?
tractor, sorry about Newt. It is always so heartbreaking to have to intervene and put a pet down even when we know it's for the best.
What a beautiful public space...is it located near the entry/exit area or well inside the zoo area? And what is housed in the building that looks like a glass conservatory? All plants? some butterflies? gift shops? reptile house?
tractor, sorry about Newt. It is always so heartbreaking to have to intervene and put a pet down even when we know it's for the best.
Yes, this is beautiful! A perfect reminder that these places were originally conceived as zoological GARDENS. I'm thinking how I can manage a trip to Toledo before frost, hmmm. Anyway, thanks for some new and lovely container ideas!
meander1: thank you very much for your kind words, I'm stalling a bit but Newt's days are few, poor little guy is having trouble eating.
I like the patio in the last photo on the right. If anyone is interested there are lots more photos at the Toledo Zoo's web site; two links at the bottom of this page: http://www.toledozoo.org/site/page/conservatory_and_gardens
meander1 The garden is located near our Broadway entrance and adjacent to formal garden and greenhouse. The conservatory houses a tropical plant collection.
Thanks for sending these photos Alan. What a beautiful place to enjoy! I'm always delighted to see roses, but especially when they are combined with other plants instead of being in a separate bed surrounded by plain dirt or mulch. Congratulations on keeping them looking so productive at this time of year.
tntreeman, where did you see Verbena bonariensis? It's one of my all-time favorites also, but I can't find it in these pictures, which are beautiful, by the way. I'm not into Zoos, but would go to this one to enjoy the gardens. Lovely.
ancientgardener is that not V. bonariensis in the first photo to the left of the cleome? there are some hot pink/red flowers between the cleome and what i thought was Verbena on a stick but i'm wrong quite often
I'm viewing a little later than usual. First though, nothing
was mentioned what state the Toledo Zoo is in! I know it's in
Ohio - but not everyone would have known.
Anyway, enjoyed browsing though these lovely, selected garden
photo's. Thank you for sharing, Alan!
Hi tntreeman- Bopping in on your quest regarding V. bonarienis...yes, you are right- I see it too, in first photo
and again in last, bottom right photo behind the bench. :)
Living near Toledo, I have visited the zoo many times. These pictures don't do it justice. The architecture and the landscaping are wonderful. I'm glad to see it featured here.
Thanks for sharing this great place. Who would have thought it is a zoo? I am so sorry to hear about Newt as well. I will say a little prayer for him.
cwheat000: Thank you and meander1 for caring about Newt. the little guy was put down this afternoon and I dug his grave in a storm... Newt is resting peacefully next to his barn.
tractor, so sorry...I'm sure that was hard digging even if the ground was soft. Sounds like you picked a spot where he would come to mind even though he won't be there to be seen. Animals do live on in our hearts, don't they.
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