Garden Photo of the Day

A Hideout Garden

woodland garden pond

Jeff's memory lane includes a great hideout location. 

"Up early, cool , rainy and will be another day with a concrete color sky. Organizing photos and taking a walk down memory lane of last summer. These are some photos of a client property. We love working here and it's a nice respite on hot and crazy days of summer…nobody can find us here!  The perfect hideout."

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another garden pond

Caladium and Torenia 


firepit pavilion  and the turkeys have messed up my pine straw

Needle Palm in front island

The approach to the main house

View 33 comments


  1. wGardens 12/03/2015

    Lovin' it, Jeff. I can certainly see why you love working here. Great specimen trees, also. How many years have you been working here? I assume that you installed the lovely waterfall and ponds? What fun to create them! And one of my favorite things here... to be able to incorporate and/or have as a background- mature trees/woods. It's all lovely and SO inviting!

    1. jeffgoodearth 12/03/2015

      Margaret, the pond was there when I first went on the property maybe 6 years ago. we have ripped out truckloads and truckloads of knockout roses, stella d'oro daylilies and a great many other plants and re planted with a much better selection of plants. constantly changing and growing. the clients are fun and not afraid to try new things . the turkeys make a mess but thankfully the deer for the most part go to the neighbor's to eat

      1. GrannyMay 12/03/2015

        I hope those roses and daylilies went to good homes and didn't end up on the compost heap. In my early years here and in previous gardens, I would have walked on nails barefoot to get free plants, lacking the budget to buy more than just a few each month. I was so grateful when I came across gardeners who had free plants to share.

        1. user-1020932 12/03/2015

          May, the knockouts went to the brush pile but all the daylilies were given away to anyone who wanted them.

  2. user-3565112 12/03/2015

    This is a great garden. The plants , structures , & ponds all blend together & look so natural in their setting. Good work , this is world class.

    1. jeffgoodearth 12/03/2015

      thanks, Joe, I will pass that along to the homeowner. we almost have it put to bed for winter and now getting ready for Christmas

  3. user-4691082 12/03/2015

    Oh, how this makes me long for spring! I bet that wisteria is beautiful when it blooms. I especially love the fire pit pavilion. Great job, Jeff!

  4. Quiltingmamma 12/03/2015

    Sigh, just add a constant supply of good books, good food, good wine and I would be in heaven in this hide-out....particularly the fire pit pavilion. You have done a great job making it look so natural and in keeping with the surroundings. Lovely

    1. user-1020932 12/03/2015

      i have had many lunch breaks at the firepit,,, it's a great place to hang out

  5. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/03/2015

    Hi Jeff, love the woodland pond and waterfall. I am in awe of those conifers in the last pic!

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/03/2015

    Everything is soo tasteful and elegant, Jeff. You have been a wonderful enhancer of what looks like a beautiful property to start with. I didn't shed a tear for any of the plants you said you sent on to plant heaven. In fact, 2016 should be the year I follow your example and say "bye bye" to some of the stella d'oros I initially overplanted with. What are some of your favorite things you replaced them with?

    1. user-1020932 12/03/2015

      Mike, we have planted SO much there that I really couldn't tell you what we used as replacements. Bed shapes changed, plant selections ,,,,,,,,,everything different than what we started with

  7. NCYarden 12/03/2015

    Wow, Jeff what a beautiful place. Amazing work. How great to be able to work with plants like this for a living. In pic 4, is that some type of ceanothus? or is it a hydrangea?'s really pretty either way. I really wish I had water features even half like this? Thanks for sharing. It's awesome.

    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/03/2015

      Sticking my nose in other people's business again...Looks like Caryopteris incana 'Jason'. cheers.

      1. NCYarden 12/03/2015

        Not at all. I appreciate the info that I can't produce my self. Thanks again.

  8. greengenes 12/03/2015

    How beautiful is the drive up to the home! It makes you want to keep going to look further. I love the beautiful huge pond. It must be great to work here as you stated, Jeff. I sure like the use of pine needles or straw. We don't seem to have that on this side of our country. Isnt it fun and helpful to look back on pictures when its dark and dreary out. November flew by and I so suspect so will December! Spring is one day closer!

  9. Chris_N 12/03/2015

    It is all lovely and the pond retreat serene. I also want to know what the shrub in the fourth photo is. I feel I should know it but my brain does not work well at this time of day.

    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/03/2015

      Hey Chris, we'll see what Jeff has to say, but I think it is Caryopteris incana 'Jason'.

    2. user-1020932 12/03/2015

      it is Caryopteris Touch of Gold but not quite enough sun for it to remain gold,,,,,,,,,,,,,,time to limb up the adjacent trees

  10. Cenepk10 12/03/2015

    Gorgeous. They are bless to have you designing, Jeff

  11. jagardener 12/03/2015

    For me this time it is the mushroom in the water feature and the design of the fire pit pavilion. Would love to see the details. Just the place to gather with family on a cool night. I can see it.

  12. cheryl_c 12/03/2015

    I love the torenia and caladiums - a new idea for me! And, as a fan of them, I recognized your 'bluebeard' caryopteris, but would love to know the species - will be replanting, and I just love their September bloom time and the way they attract all the little butterflies! Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. user-1020932 12/03/2015

      it is Touch of Gold and it needs more sun

  13. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/03/2015

    This is an amazing property, Jeff. I think the pond in the first photo and the fire pit pavilion have me stunned. Spectacular.

  14. GrannyMay 12/03/2015

    How happy is the person who can love his work! A beautiful hide-out indeed!

  15. annek 12/03/2015

    Beautifully tended by a master!

  16. schatzi 12/03/2015

    Stunning property, Jeff. I drool over ponds like that first one. Maybe someday...Gorgeous, peaceful, and they are lucky to have you.

  17. sheila_schultz 12/03/2015

    I've always loved this property, Jeff, and every year you just keep making it better and better! How lucky to have clients that trust your instincts and pay you to continue to make their property heavenly! Smart homeowners!!! I will always have a soft spot in my heart for their garden pond, it beckons everyone to stop by and take a rest.

  18. GrannyCC 12/03/2015

    Beautiful Jeff I can see why it is a great hideout to work. I particularly like the mushroom fountain. Did you make that?

  19. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 12/03/2015

    You've created such an inviting place for your clients, Jeff. I hope they love and appreciate it's beauty and serenity.

  20. User avater
    user-7007816 12/03/2015

    Just beautiful. I'm envious

  21. user-7007778 12/03/2015

    So peaceful and just beautiful

  22. donnapopma 12/04/2015

    Just gorgeous! I would probably never go in the house! So peaceful.

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