Garden Photo of the Day

Hot and Unusual Cacti in CA

By Kim Charles

Our friend Jeanne Cronce of Port Orchard, WA, shares her unique photos with us from her recent visit to the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens.

"I, Jeanne Cronce from rainy Washington had a wonderful time in Calfornia with two wonderdul ladies visiting the Huntington Library and Botanical gardens.  The 85 degree sun helped dry me out and got me excited about what is to come in my gardens. This place has to be seen more than just one day. We only seen a small portion and to me it was beauty overload!"

ATTENTION GPOD'ers-I am currently looking for additional submissions for our daily blog! Bring on the spring and summer photos–please don't be shy!

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View 48 comments


  1. VikkiVA 05/01/2017

    Oh my my, if I could jump on a jet plane and fly to Huntington Garden now I would. What a magnificent collection of plants. Thank you so much Jeanne for sharing your visit with me. Vikki in VA.

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      This is only a small portion of their gardens! It will be fun seeing the rest of it some day! Glad you enjoyed this!

  2. anitaberlanga 05/01/2017

    what an unusual (and unusually gorgeous) collection of plants! Do you recall what the sunflower-shaped plant is? It's really intriguing!

    Thanks for sharing your visit to the Huntington Gardens!

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hi Anita... yes, these are so unusual for us here up in Washington. We never get to see this kind of gardening. the name of the plant is scadoxus hybrid. Nice arent they!

  3. Chris_N 05/01/2017

    In Wisconsin we've had a week of rain (snow up north) and temps in the 30's and 40's. Your photos from sunny California are truly a sight for sore eyes. Thanks, Jeanne!

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Oh Chris... i so know what you mean! Sure hope it gets better for everyone soon! I like to go thru my gardening books when days are like that! Enjoy your spring!

  4. user-7008516 05/01/2017

    stunning and you have a great sense of composition in your photos

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hey double d.... thanks for the comment. It is fun to take pictures... The plant world is so awesome !

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/01/2017

    One thing this group of photos shows, Jeanne, is that you are not just a wonderful photographer of your own beautiful garden. These pictures are all quite captivating and really show off what architectural marvels the desert plants are. Those barrel cactus (cacti?) are especially fascinating to me.

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hi Meander1! Thanks for the kind comments. Arent these plants so wonderful! Its a whole new world to me. Those barrel cacti were just amazing and they had a whole hillside of them! Just beautiful! The weather was in the 80s which made me dry out finally! I was getting mold growing on me! Haha.. enjoy your spring Michaele!

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/01/2017

    Jeanne, your photos of Huntington are stunning. Definitely on my bucket list. I must get there. Thanks for taking the time to send these in. Wonderful!

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hi Tim! This is a wonderful place to see. I still want to go back and see more. Some day. Right now spring is keeping me quite busy here. So glad i tempted you towards your future visit!

  7. Sunshine111 05/01/2017

    Wow! Such unusual plant specimens ! Thank you!

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      You are welcome Lily!

  8. hontell 05/01/2017

    Jeanne the photo of the date palm with the sun behind it is one of the best compositions I've seen in long time. Great photos.

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Thanks Howard! So glad you enjoyed these!

  9. user-4691082 05/01/2017

    Jeanne, I especially like the clivia and the agave 'Parryi'. I wish both of those were hardy in zone 6b, but alas, they are not! Thanks for sharing!

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Yes Rhonda.. those clivia are so beautiful! Sure wish i could keep them alive here even in the house! There were so many plants we cant grow up here but that is what makes it so wonderfilled to see. A whole other world to explore!

    2. User avater
      LindaonWhidbey 05/01/2017

      Hi Rhonda, in my comment I talked about our clivia that we purchased for my mother in law in 1974. It has always been an indoor plant and produced many babies that we've shared with friends. If you give it some cool nights starting in about Feb.,it will flower beautifully.

  10. sheila_schultz 05/01/2017

    Gorgeous shots, Jeanne. Just looking at these photos make me feel all warm and cozy!

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hi Sheila..thanks and glad they could warm you up!

  11. annek 05/01/2017

    Wow, your talents are limitless, Jeanne. I am enamores with the subject matter and the beautiful plays of light. Thanks for sharing

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hi Annek, You are so welcome. Quite a change of green for me and others! It was a great time.

  12. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 05/01/2017

    Thanks for a little sunshine this morning, Jeanne. Your photos are beautiful. I especially like seeing the field of Clivia. We've had one in a pot that has produced many babies since 1974 and it's gorgeous orange flowers are our harbinger of spring. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Oh Linda! Do tell me what the secret is in keeping those beautiful clivia alive! So glad that you are able to do this and enjoy them year after year! There are so many other beautiful colors and shapes too! Enjoy your day!

      1. User avater
        LindaonWhidbey 05/01/2017

        Hi Jeanne, in WI we used to move the clivia to our screen porch in about mid May but here in WA we keep it in a solarium that is barely heated and it flowers every year in March. Good luck.

        1. greengenes 05/01/2017

          Okay... i will move mine out of the house here. I think it is too hot upstairs. Thanks Linda!

    2. user-4691082 05/02/2017

      Linda, I too, am a hygienist retired and gardening!!! Thanks for the word on the clivia. They sell them at Longwood, but they cost a fortune!

      1. User avater
        LindaonWhidbey 05/04/2017

        Interesting, Rhonda. It turns out that a few of my new gardening friends here on Whidbey are retired hygienists, too. I guess we went from gum gardening to the real thing:)

  13. LaurelEm 05/01/2017

    All so beautiful and unusual. Nothing I could really dream of growing in Wisconsin. Nice to see the exotic! Photo 6? Is that how Figs grow?

    1. greengenes 05/01/2017

      Hi Laurie...Figs dont normally grow like this, well at least the ones ive known about. I believe this one is from India. This is what makes this place so special to me.. there are plants i would never see or know about.

  14. user-7007498 05/01/2017

    Good afternoon, Jeanne. Your pictures are a nice mix of natural beauty and artistic composition. I really enjoyed them. Like Tim, I need to add the Gardens to my bucket list.

    I love seeing plants I can't grow in the landscape. Very cool (or should I say warm).

    Interesting hearing about the weather around the country. We just set an all time record for the warmest April in Harrisburg, but we we lucky to have good rain to balance the heat.

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      Hi Kevin... This is one to see for sure. But there are so many different places to see! It was very warm that day i was there. But they had a bad storm come thru and it got very cold to where they had placed all around those outdoor heaters. The wind had tipped over some very large cacti too. So the weather sure has been something all over. We are hoping for some sun this week! Enjoy your spring!

  15. schatzi 05/01/2017

    Magnificent! The desert has a beauty of its own. What is the name of the plant in pic 4 with the gorgeous umbels of orange bells? Wow - what a beauty! Must have been a fabulous trip, Jeanne. Thanks for sharing.

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      That is so true Shirley.. Beauty like nothing we are used to. Iam sorry i do not know the name of that plant. It was some sort of succulent though. Great color isnt it!

      1. schatzi 05/02/2017

        Yes, it definitely looks like a succulent. Beautiful.

  16. User avater
    JaninaG 05/01/2017

    Looks absolutley marvelous... would love to have some in my cactus section, but living in Australia, I have no idea what they are so cant buy them.... Really envious Thanks for sharing

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      Hi Janina... Australia! Some day i would love to see your country! You have different climates too. I am glad you enjoyed these pictures. I wonder if these plants cant be sent to you over there?

      1. User avater
        JaninaG 05/02/2017

        Hi Jeanne,

        Plants cant be sent to Australia nor can most food.... but seeds can as long as you dont mark them seeds..... but I dont know the names of the plants :)

        Australia is beautiful and varied, I dont have to travel far to arid land, or mountains, sea, natural palm vegetation...or the National forests....and I can get to the city in 2 hours without rushing.... and there are lots of places all over Australia and cities are cities in whatever countrys apart from any unique featue, like Eiffel Tower, London Bridge etc

        Have been to some wonderful countries and they are awesome, but nothing like Australia... You are welcome anytime. have a big house and air fares are cheap as our $ is down. Another bonus of coming to Australia is you only need one change of clothes for hot & cold. The rest to bum around we have great ope-shoppees that you can buy a couple of things to wear around Australia for around $20au and throw away when you finish. That is what all the students from Asia do when they come during their summer hols.

        1. greengenes 05/03/2017

          Thank you for the invite! it all sounds fun!

  17. oregongardengal 05/01/2017

    Beautiful pictures! It looks like a fun place to visit.

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      Yes it was Nancy....Very fun!

  18. user-5117752 05/01/2017

    What beautiful pics! Must have been an exciting adventure!

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      Hi Judy...yes it was exciting and i totally want to go back!

  19. janeeliz 05/02/2017

    WOW! The gardens are absolutely gorgeous...and SO ARE YOUR PHOTOS of them! What a treat that must have been! Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      Glad you enjoyed these Jane!

  20. perenniallycrazy 05/02/2017

    So fabulous Jeanne! Thanks for sharing your trip photos with us. Wish there are more coming tomorrow. Hope we get more days of sunshine soon!

    1. greengenes 05/02/2017

      Hi Cherry.. yes it was a fabulous time. Wonderful ladies that i was with. But i only touched the surface here at Huntington Botanical Gardens. One day just isnt enough for visiting it. But it was warm and very healing! Yes lets hope for some sun!

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