Garden Photo of the Day

Kevin’s snowy garden in Pennsylvania

Today's photos are from Kevin Kelly, who says, "The cold, snowy weather continues in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My garden is on a half-acre of land. I'm working toward a four-season look, with mixed conifers, shrubs, and perennials throughout the landscape beds. I'm so anxious for spring, but still have to admire the beauty of the landscape." Kevin, you've been quite successful at this season, for sure! So much to see in your garden, even with a blanket of snow. I can't wait until you show us your garden in spring and summer! (Hint, hint….)

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View 25 comments


  1. wGardens 03/04/2015

    .... Looks to me that you have a LOT to show us come Spring, Summer and Fall! Thanks for sharing. We'll look forward to those photos, too!

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/04/2015

    great job adding structure to your garden and I'm a big fan of the rusty brown foliage in snow. Looks great.

  3. NCYarden 03/04/2015

    Good morning, Kevin. I love the snow pics, as well as snow itself! My wife, who is from Harrisburg, hates it, which is why she partly claims she left. In fact her family is still there (her sister off Linglestown Rd. and her dad near Central Dauphin), and I always enjoy seeing all the awesome conifers that thrive there whenever we are up there. I would love to see your garden sometime if you were open to a quick visit. Do you ever go to Jim Doyle's place - Nature's Way Nursery? Great place. We also like to give a little business to Stauffer's of Kissel Hill whenever we visit too. A few years back we rescued a couple of dwarf white pines they were going to discard, knowing they could possibly struggle down here in NC, but fortunately they are thriving. I think your place looks great with the tufts of snow stacked all over your conifers as well as the other plants - it's pretty magical. Thanks for sharing. I am digging this.

    1. User avater
      HelloFromMD 03/04/2015

      I think Stauffer's is within striking distance for me. I have also heard that Ascombe is another great nursery. Maybe a trip to 3 nurseries that would include Nature's Way Nursery. It would be fun to go to some nurseries that would be brand new for me. Anywhere else to go that's plant related in Harrisburg?

      1. NCYarden 03/04/2015

        Hi Nancy,
        I have not been to Ashcombe. Thanks for mentioning it. I will be sure to cruise by there next time we head up to PA. You would love Nature's Way. It's not a big nursery. Jim Doyle in a renowned bonsai artist, but also specializes in Japanese gardening, and his place is wonderful to walk around. Not only some phenomenal bonsai, but he has nice specimens for the landscape, and definitely cool structural and art elements as well. It's certainly a little inspirational.

    2. user-7007498 04/11/2015

      Sorry it took so long to respond. Didn't realize there was a place for comments. Best places in Harrisburg area for plants are Ashcombe's and Highland Gardens. About 70% of my plants are from those 2 sources (I also mail order). My home is off Linglestown Rd, and I am quite familiar with Natures Way.

  4. jerrysiss 03/04/2015

    I have the same view Kevin. Just hope the snow is a good insulator against the frigid temps we've had this winter too. Otherwise, when spring does arrive here in North east Ohio I'll be doing some flower garden rearranging and replacing.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/04/2015

    Your garden definitely has very pleasing winter interest, Kevin...congrats on a job well done. You seem to be situated in a very nice neighborhood but I suspect your commitment to planting trees and bushes has given your property a lot of privacy. Does that very charming "garden shed" belong to you? It's lovely and looks like it's part of what you see whenever you come up the driveway...sweet! If it's yours, how do you use it. I'd, also, love to see pictures of your garden in the other three seasons.

  6. greengenes 03/04/2015

    The snow is beautiful, Kevin. But I am coming from a place, Washington state on the coast, who hasn't seen any this winter. Its very lovely seeing the bones of your gardens. I also enjoy seeing the brown from the grasses and hydrangeas too! I always leave mine alone until spring just for the color and form. It does look nice when things are frosty as well. We sure would enjoy seeing some photos of spring and summer! Your columnar beech is a beautiful sight when its leafed out. Thanks for sharing and I hope things thaw out soon for all of you back there!

  7. User avater
    HelloFromMD 03/04/2015

    The ornamental grass is quite lovely. Really like the fluffy seed heads. Is that a little bluestem? I see some containers about. Are they 'winter hardy'? I bought a ceramic urn in Virginia for my disappearing fountain and the proprietor said that the way it was fired it could be out all winter. Still I take the fountain down and store the urn in the shed. Have you found a type of container that survives being outside? The mature conifers are making a nice background for your treasures. Your garden looks mature and well thought out.

    1. sheila_schultz 03/04/2015

      Nancy, the 'high-fired' ceramic pots coming from Viet Nam tend to be frost proof. Your local nursery will most likely have a selection. The glazed ceramic pots from Campania are gorgeous and hold up really well, even when filled with soil over the winter. They aren't cheap, but worth the added expense. I have several that have stayed outside year round for over 8 years now.

      1. User avater
        HelloFromMD 03/05/2015

        Thanks, Sheila, I will be hunting for Campania pots or those from Viet Nam. Right now I haul all my pots into my unheated shed.

  8. GrannyMay 03/04/2015

    Great job Kevin! I love the look of evergreens and the remnants of perennial seedheads adorned with clean, white snow. I am one of those who usually get at least one proper snowfall each winter, admire the beauty, then am happy to see it melt away before it becomes a real nuisance. This winter we had just a light dusting in late November but no accumulation to speak of. While I am sorry not to have had any, I do empathize with all of you who are sick of the sight of the white stuff. Kevin, hope you'll send new photos when the colour is showing.

  9. Nurserynotnordstroms 03/04/2015

    Good morning Kevin,pictures of snow tend to make my eyes go where they normally wouldn't,taking in small details that make such a large impact to the plant structure and detail of each dried out petal.The bones of your garden have given the viewer form and some texture in the snow,and your conifers in the first photo look like a little conifer village. The grass sparkling in the sun (next to the last photo) is extremely beautiful. Loved them all but I am hoping you warm up soon,spring is hiding under all of that snow and is waiting patiently,if only we would be so patient.

  10. sheila_schultz 03/04/2015

    You definitely have the winter season down, Kevin. You gotta love those hydrangeas, I'm always amazed when they don't shatter with the weight of the snow. See ya in the spring!

    1. user-7007498 04/11/2015

      Pannicle hydrangeas are the best in the winter. They hold up so well, no matter how much snowfall.

  11. schatzi 03/04/2015

    Beautiful. Love the fluffy grass. Nancy, if you can find pots made in Viet Nam, they are extremely heavy but the clay they are made of and the way they are fired makes them impervious to temperature changes. I suppose they would break if you dropped them - if you could lift them high enough! I have 3 on my deck that I have had outside for 10 years or more - not a chip. Others that I forgot to take in shattered. They are expensive, but they last.

    1. eddireid 03/05/2015

      Thank you for the tip, Shirley - when one lives with minus temperatures it is really good to know which materials survive.

    2. User avater
      HelloFromMD 03/05/2015

      Thanks, Shirley, I will be on the lookout for pots from Viet Nam.

  12. Cenepk10 03/04/2015

    So pretty. Bring on spring !!!!

  13. steve_mosley 03/04/2015

    Buddy - great scenery - a great winter garden - like Michelle I look forward to seeing the garden through the 4 seasons - esp the fall time - I'm sure the colours would be awesome - do you have sculpture and or boulders to add another dimension? your shed also cool - I really look forward to more pic

  14. eddireid 03/05/2015

    Beautiful! I particularly like
    Like the shot taken through the ornamental grass. I look forward to the next three seasons. Thank you for sending your photographs - I get so mummy ideas and inspiration from everyone who shares their passion for gardening, no matter where or when.

  15. eddireid 03/05/2015

    My iPad chose the word "mummy" - supposed to be "many"!

  16. user-6970631 03/05/2015

    I love the nice wintery scenes and am wondering what the blue obect is in the
    5th picture down. It looks likeit is hanging from the tree.

    1. user-7007498 04/11/2015

      The object is an old copper pot that I use as a hanging basket. I empty it for the winter, and leave it hanging due to the beautiful patina. It is next to the driveway, so I get to drive past it every day.

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