Garden Photo of the Day

Lil’s learn as you go lily garden

The climber is “Winner’s Circle” very robust and disease free. This was taken in June. 

Looks like Lil went crazy with Lily bulbs, and they are lovely! And a little shout out to her helpful husband.

"Hi, this is Lil from Bedford, MA. This is my “learn as you go garden” which you highlighted last season. I put in lots of Asiatic Lily bulbs this past fall. Broke my wrist in October, so my ever patient husband planted a lot of them for me. I am very pleased that I was able to discourage that little red but that looks like a Lady Bug. I found alternating product worked well. As for the deer who love the Lily buds, I use a product that is not harmful to the environment and so far its worked. Keeping color in the garden till fall is my goal. My fall back is my shrub roses, they’ll still be blooming when I’m dividing and transplanting. Just when I think it’s perfect, I (in my eyes) I discover something else I want to plant. So much work, so rewarding. My friends and neighbors come for “garden tours” and of course I just love that!"

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Here we have “false Indigo” in yellow, catmint in the background, white “siberian” iris, peonies and a 19 year old purple geranium growing up the tree. Taken in June. 

And here come the Asiatic Lilies and some day lilies – because I broke my wrist last fall I did not keep track of the names. Couldn’t write! My husband planted a good many of the bulbs. 

I’ll take credit for these pink beauties. Got the bulbs in before my fall.

A long view of the Liles with calmint, astilbe, spieria and bee balm. 

I sit on this bench a lot, looking at what works and watching the butterflies.

View 28 comments


  1. lauranathanson 07/21/2015

    Beautiful garden Lily! Wondering what product you use for the deer? I also must plant mostly deer "resistant'. Hope your wrist is healing. I too, broke mine a few months ago and have been doing one-handed gardening since. All the best, L

    1. lil_holloway 07/21/2015

      I use Repels-All by Bonide. Biodegradable, will not harm animals or plants and lasts up to 2 months. I spray more often early on as the deer love the buds. Hope your wrist heals as well as mine did. It's a long process, but mine is totally back to normal.

  2. galealdred 07/21/2015

    Great colors. Love every one of those lillies. With all the deer, what product do you use?
    Broken wrist! Did mine in March. My garden is full steam ahead. Can't keep gardeners down too long. It all looks lovely.

    1. lil_holloway 07/21/2015

      I use Repels-All by Bonide. Biodegradable, not harmful to plants or animals. Lasts up to 2 months, but I spray more often early on as my deer love the buds.

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/21/2015

    Lots of fun and vibrant color going on in your garden, Lil...almost as good as a cup of coffee in getting my eyeballs happily awake. I'm so glad you found a product that deterred the deer 'cause it would be such a darned shame not to have all those dancing flower heads showing off their stuff. Your pictures definitely make me want to plant more lily bulbs come fall...thanks.

  4. NCYarden 07/21/2015

    A colorful garden, indeed. Goal achieved. The garden is beautiful, and I like the long views over the top of the vibrant blooms. I would be interested in your deer defense secret.
    Get that wrist healthy and keep digging.

  5. wGardens 07/21/2015

    Lovely! Great colors and so inviting~ And that rose is rather impressive as well. Great job.

  6. user-7007427 07/21/2015

    You have a beautiful garden. That little "lady bug" looking bug you mentioned was very likely a Lily Leaf beetle. I am glad that you found a solution for them. They can be tenacious and destructive little critters. In my yard they seem to come back year after year even though I diligently try to control them.

  7. user-7007496 07/21/2015

    Just gorgeous!!!! I love lilies.

  8. user-4691082 07/21/2015

    Wow, I'm not sure how long you've been gardening, but you must be a fast learner! Beautiful!

  9. VikkiVA 07/21/2015

    I almost grabbed my sun glasses to get a better look at that last picture :) Beautiful, bright lilies. I must make a note to pick up some yellow Asiatic - they are stunning! Vikki in VA

  10. anitaberlanga 07/21/2015

    what a beautiful garden! I just obtained some gorgeous asiatics from a garden that was being dismantled. They are happily settling in. I have a few Orientals, which I love for their narcotic fragrance. And what a nice husband you have, to help you with all that!

  11. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 07/21/2015

    Great teamwork, Lil and hubby. Lilies are my wife's favorite and are becoming one of my favorites too. Nice choices and beautiful plants. A garden is never done. Isn't that part of the pleasure? I was out this weekend watching a tiger swallowtail and a hummingbird moth get drawn in to the intoxicating fragrance of the big blooms. Now I'm on the lookout to purchase lilies that bloom in August and September....

  12. lil_holloway 07/21/2015

    Thanks for all the wonderful comments! My husband really is the best. The product I use for the deer is called Repels-All by Bonide. It is biodegradable, will not harm plants or animals and last up to 2 months. I spray more often early on as my deer love the buds. I just love looking at everyone's garden and how they work their magic…..often with a large "sigh" and the beauty and creativity. My wrist is completely healed and feels great. Gardening is a "snap-shot in time" so I take tons of photos and do a photo book on Apple to remember each phase of the garden. What a rush having my Lilies on Fine Gardening and reading all of your encouraging and gracious comments.
    Have a great day! Lil

  13. User avater
    HelloFromMD 07/21/2015

    Hi Lil,
    Lilies are a favorite plant of mine, too. May I ask where you purchased yours? You may have ordered from of a vendor that I don't know. I have been working on finding lilies that bloom after the Asiatics to keep the show going. Just can't get enough lilies. You have a beautiful garden display so rich in color.

    1. lil_holloway 07/21/2015

      I'm just learning about the differences in Lilies, and I agree…just keep on blooming. I have used B & D Lilies out of Port Townsend, WA. Ordered on-line in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. I also have them from White Flower Farm, an Michigan Bulb. I'm just learning the difference between the Asiatics, Llium and Orientals, height, fragrance, timing, etc. Please let me know if you have a favorite vendor.
      My start was with a couple of plants from my local garden center, then I was hooked.

      1. User avater
        HelloFromMD 07/22/2015

        Hi Lil,
        Companies that sell bulbs like tulips and daffodils (John Scheepers, Beauty from Bulbs), Brent & Becky will sell some lilies too. Then some daylily folks like Gilbert & Wilde will also sell lilies. Hallson's, known for hostas, also sells bulbs and some nice miniature lilies. The Lily Garden here in US (breeder Judith Freeman), and Canadian vendors like the Lily Nook.

        1. lil_holloway 07/22/2015

          Thank you! I just discovered The Lily Garden and now I'll check out the Lily Nook.

  14. GrannyMay 07/21/2015

    Lil I am so happy to see your garden again! The first time was in when you introduced yourself and your garden philosophy, which I share. Your love affair with lilies and daylilies rewards us all with the beauty and the fragrance they bring to the garden.

    I hope you can continue to keep the deer out. They keep multiplying in this area and becoming more and more destructive, so the only real solution is to fence them out.

  15. katzz4 07/21/2015

    Absolutely gorgeous?I need to start planting bulbs....these are lovely ???

  16. Clarkpark 07/21/2015

    Lil, Thanks for allowing me to visit your garden and admire your lovely lilies! Every season my lilies disappear; Do voles eat lillies? (I do not have deer!) Thanks again for posting your pics!?

    1. lil_holloway 07/21/2015

      Yes, voles, chipmunks, etc will eat the bulbs. I have not had that problem yet, but expect I will at some point. I spray with Repel-All from Bonide during growing season and that keeps them at bay. I need to remember to keep spraying in the fall, because they will surely feast before the cold weather. Good luck!

    2. Chefin1950 07/21/2015

      I read once that someone wrapped all their tulip bulbs in wire mesh to keep the mice, voles, etc. from eating them.

      1. Clarkpark 07/21/2015

        Thanks for the advice in wrapping the bulbs in wire. A couple years ago I had tons of lilies, maybe I'll try wire next time I invest in more lily bulbs. ??

    3. heartinsa 07/23/2015

      I wrap all my bulbs in chicken wire and it seems to be helping. Dig the hole, cut a piece of chicken wire bigger than the hole. Squish it down into the hole, place the bulbs on top then fold the wire loosely over the top of them. Back fill the dirt being sure to fill inside the chicken wire. So far it seems to be keeping the voles out of my tulips and daffodils both.

      1. Clarkpark 07/23/2015

        Thanks! I will try this??

  17. marlenebrooks 07/21/2015

    I too added many Lilies to my garden last the front yard we have had rabbits try to eat them so we will be moving them into the fenced back yard but they are all beautiful...and I definitely know what you mean by learn as you go :)....lovely yard by the way

  18. eddireid 07/21/2015

    Just gorgeous, Lily. I love lilies, too, any type at all. I pop them in all over the place and it's fun to find one suddenly appearing from the midst of a crowded shrub bed.

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