Garden Photo of the Day

Madeleine’s Changing Springtime Garden

Madeleine Hiscox says it well – a springtime garden is ever changing and evolving!

"I have been gardening here in Prospect, CT since 1989. Every year the garden changes and evolves. I think spring is my favorite time."

Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and a little info about your garden to

View 35 comments


  1. susan749 05/18/2015


  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/18/2015

    Such happy candytuft, Madeleine,...but, no wonder, you've given it what it loves most...great drainage and dappled shade. And your hellebores are gorgeous. Your metal seating bench and chair are quite charming...although I'd probably have no self control and try to grow a clematis up and through that white chair...tsk, tsk on me.

    1. User avater
      gringopeligroso 05/18/2015

      What a GREAT idea!!! I sometimes see this style of seating at the antique venues and flea markets around here but have passed them over for other temptations and treasures. These would make the PERFECT whimsical trellises for the myriad climbers and scramblers I have!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 05/18/2015

        Yay..and then you could take a picture and share it with us! I look for almost any place that I can plant a clematis and often use string to give it something to move up on.

        1. Meelianthus 05/18/2015

          Wow! beautiful Michaele! Fun to have a few extra photos submitted now that GPOD has us on a photo 'diet' - sorry Susan, but I don't think we are handling this well +_+ however, thanks for the photos.

        2. user-7007140 05/18/2015

          Just gorgeous, Michaele. I can think of at least a dozen places crying out for clematis. I have only four right now, but this may change soon! Thank you for the inspiration.

        3. User avater
          gringopeligroso 05/19/2015

          VERY nicely done!! I LOVE how there's a 360° use and view of this obviously Happy vine!! And, such Flower Power!! And the Butterfly sculpture is the perfect complimentary topping!! I'm wondering, are You an artist yourself, or perhaps you have a keen eye of appreciation?
          I'm afraid this is the best I can do...for now, but my skills are still growing..just like the Clematis in my garden!

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 05/20/2015

            Hi, again, Jesse...this time it's my turn to compliment you! Your clematis looks great and your other plants add a lot of fun and interest. I know a lot of gardeners who would especially love to walk off with your long dangly ones. Hmm, am I an artist? Well, I have a hobby that is a little artsy...I make ornamental indoor birdhouses and use jewelry, beads and small colorful stones as my creative materials. I call it my indoor winter "gardening".

          2. User avater
            gringopeligroso 05/24/2015

            Meander! I would not have dared to put my "Dangly Ones" (Rat Tail Cactus, or Aporocactus or Disocactus....we MUST get those Taxonomists a life one day!!) out on my front porch while I lived in town a few years back. Gardeners aren't the only ones which may have been tempted!! But, at the cabin, they are safe and thrive in the bright morning sunbeams!
            I've seen some ornamental bird houses around here on the Arts and Crafts circuits. QUITE nice!! However, I don't believe I've seen any with your style and description! They must be wonderful and eye catching!!
            Santa mistook me for a Good Boy a couple of years ago and brought me a very nice birdhouse in the shape of an olde country church! Probably no real church was ever painted in the colours of this artist's piece, and it will not be subjected to the rigors of outdoors and has a prominent place on a table-top, inside. I also have several more utilitarian bird houses scattered about the Garden to invite the winged ones to stay a while longer!!

          3. User avater
            meander_michaele 05/24/2015

            Well, Jesse, your pictured birdhouse looks closer to a Taj Mahal for the birds rather than something that falls into the category of merely utilitarian. It is very pretty and seems to have attracted an interested resident . Your country church bird "abode" sounds wonderful and deserving of its center table star placement. Good job fooling Santa!

            Here's a link to some pictures my daughter took of my petite indoor ones. I had a website for awhile but found out that being a motivated self promotor was not my strong suit. I get invitations to participate in art/craft shows but they usually hit during my busy gardening time so I mostly make my treasures for friends and family.


          4. User avater
            gringopeligroso 05/25/2015

            Wow!! I was right!! I've not seen ANY like your jewels presented in the referenced picture gallery! I see WHY the A & C show sponsors send you invitations!! VERY nice and original!!! The "circuit" around here (NE Okla., NW Ark, SW MIssouri) happens in mid October....which is at least a "slowing down" time in our gardens as we coast into the Autumnal colour show just before the chill.
            SO: To your resume titles of Word-smithy, Heart-warmer, Earth-tender, Mother's-Care, and Art-aficianada, among others, we can now add "Patience-Personified!!" Your creations are incredibly detailed and intricate...not forgetting to mention Beautiful!!
            I appreciate you sharing a "peek behind the scenes!" And, the recipients of your eye and time (lots of it, I'ld wager!!) must be very appreciative, as well!!

          5. User avater
            meander_michaele 05/25/2015

            jesse, I must admit that your generous description of my resume attributes brought on a smile ...and I especially appreciate that you recognize what time consumers my little froo froo birdhouses can be. My husband makes the wooden foundation structures from scratch before I take over as adornment queen. Ha, oh, no, I couldn't be satisfied with the pre-mades easily purchased from Hobby Lobby...the proportions weren't as refined as I wanted and the roofs were too plain. My husband uses molding to give the roofs some "architectural" detail. In a way, I use the plant container concept of thriller, spiller and filler and I go with the flow. They are not well planned out ahead of time but just sort of happen! Hmm come to think of it, that describes my gardening! :)
            Anyway, thank you so much for checking them out and being so complimentary about them.
            Happy Memorial Day and Happy Gardening.

    2. digginWA 05/18/2015

      MIchaele, you should have been with me on Saturday when I visited a garden with 170 or so clematises (clemati?). A couple of them were climbing up a simple ring mounted against a fence. The effect must be incredible midsummer!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 05/18/2015

        What a neat idea and oh, what a sight when those circles are filled with blooms. Aren't people just so creative!?

      2. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/18/2015

        Were you on the NPA tour?

        1. digginWA 05/18/2015

          Yes, just made it to one garden. We combined it with the Seattle catio tour. That was fun! Edmonds gardens this weekend--come on up!

      3. user-7007140 05/18/2015

        What a great idea! Must file that away.

    3. GrannyCC 05/18/2015

      Or how about a bountiful basket on the seat!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 05/18/2015

        That would be lovely and allow for seasonal could go from pansies to petunias to mums.

  3. user-4691082 05/18/2015

    I echo meander1! Please send more photos!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/18/2015

    The big boulder with the hellebores and Adiantum are definitely lust-worthy! Looks like a great garden.

    1. sheila_schultz 05/18/2015

      I'll race you for it, Tim :)

  5. annek 05/18/2015

    A peaceful, serene setting for pondering life. So pretty and calming.

  6. GrannyMay 05/18/2015

    Madeleine, I wish we could see more. These few photos just give a tantalizing hint of your gorgeous garden!

  7. user-7007327 05/18/2015

    The flowers, greens, rocks, and boulder. More, more, please.

  8. sheila_schultz 05/18/2015

    Madeleine, the crisp, fresh look of your Spring garden is so hopeful of the exciting season to come! I bet you can't wait to see all the transitions! Lovely!!!

  9. digginWA 05/18/2015

    Spring is a sweet time in the garden. Nothing beats the fresh greens. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Cenepk10 05/18/2015

    Pretty Very Very Pretty

  11. Nurserynotnordstroms 05/18/2015

    Madeleine,your gardens have such a restful feeling the plant placement is so so perfect with the boulder,hellebors and ferns,I'm sad GPOD is only putting up three photos it's hard to really get a feel for the gardens. I am hoping we can get them to add more than three each day. Do you have woods surrounding your property?very very lovely,happy gardening

  12. Meelianthus 05/18/2015

    Lovely Spring photos Madeleine. The wire/metal furniture has such an appeal in amongst your Spring plantings.

  13. user-7007140 05/18/2015

    These pictures are so pretty - your garden must be very beautiful Madeleine. I love the lace wire furniture, it adds a delicate touch. It's magical to have such attractive spots to quietly enjoy the garden.
    Wish we could see more.

  14. janeeliz 05/19/2015

    Lovely is the word, Madeleine1 The purity of the lush candy tuft, the hellebores with the Maidenhair fern, the rugged boulder and fine wire furniture in a woodland setting...very delightful. Ofcourse, we want to see more !

  15. thevioletfern 05/19/2015

    Beautiful! I would like to see more, more, more ... That chair is art.

  16. lynnferda 05/21/2015

    Any idea what variety the Hellebore is? I've been looking for that deep color.

  17. foxglove12 05/22/2015

    So lush. More photos please ?

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