Garden Photo of the Day

Merry Christmas! 2012

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it! I hope it’s a wonderful day. Enjoy these photos of Brenda Addington’s beautiful holiday decorations, and then go open some presents!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
View 9 comments


  1. bahman48 12/25/2012

    Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it! I hope it's a wonderful day and coming year will be full of success,health and whatever you wish.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/25/2012

    I am such a creature of habit....even Christmas morning finds me putting in a quick stint on the laptop before all family members are up and at'em. Brenda's pictures are a wonderful way to start the day.

    Merry Christmas to all!

  3. pattyspencer 12/25/2012

    Meander1 - same here - on the computer looking at the beautiful pictures (dang I wish I had that kind of talent!)

    Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it.

  4. cwheat000 12/25/2012

    Artfully done again. What are the red balls made of, I love em? Merry Christmas or happy holidays bahman48, meander1, and all the gpod'ers who get a chance to log on. It has been so nice to share the year with you all and peek into some beautiful gardens. I enjoyed your Christmas tree and kitty photo tractor1. If anyone has the time or would like to reply, what kind of Christmas tree do you prefer? I'm usually Fraser fir girl myself.

  5. tractor1 12/25/2012

    I must admit that this is the first time in the ten years I'm living here that I didn't put up a tree in the house (usually a balsam fir), the one in the picture is from three years ago. I'm seriously considering getting an artificial tree for indoors so will look to see what's on sale after the holiday. Cut tees are becoming expensive but mostly I've grown tired of the constant mess, somehow no matter how often I vacuum I find needles all year. But I do string lots of lights on the Fat Albert Colorado blue spruce that I planted in my front lawn near the road... it was tiny when I planted it seven years ago (3') but now its too tall for me to reach the top (~8') so I put lights on as far up as I can reach using a six foot step ladder... the tree is much wider too so it's not easy to reach in. Now I know why I see so many people who have a graduated row of trees planted with the smallest decorated. I didn't get a picture yet this year as I've been waiting for snow.

    Like meander1 I used to log on first thing in the morning and FG was my first stop to read the comments from my extended family but now my first chore is to head out to the barn to feed Newt. He's doing very well and I think he's happier living outdoors, and he has lots of buddies keeping him company too... a calico (Cali) seems to be living in the barn with him so I put out food for her too.

    I enjoy the gardening pictures very much but even more I enjoy the regular posters, but feel the empty spot on weekends... I never looked forward to Mondays before but now I do.


  6. sheila_schultz 12/25/2012

    Thanks for the Christmas treat, Brenda. Your Christmas decorations continue to 'Wow' me. Merry Christmas my friends... The little ones and their grown-ups are walking in the door, time for the fun to begin!

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/25/2012

    Oops, I hit submit before I wrote (and that is with no holiday imbibing of adult beverages so... no excuse).
    Anyway, I wanted to wish tractor1 well with his changeover to outside status for Newt. I'm sorry Garden Picture of the Day doesn't have an archive system which preserves the pictures you have shared throughout the year via your ID photo. Of course, maybe they are tucked away somewhere in cyberworld and I just don't know how to access them.

  8. tractor1 12/25/2012

    meander1: it's easy to save the thumbnails, right click on the picture and then click on "Save picture as", and on the menu open the folder where you store pictures and click "okay" or "open". Then you will find the picture saved on your computer. Only I don't know if you'd get the entire picture as the FG software crops off quite a bit before displaying photos. Or I'm sure if you'd like I'm sure Michelle will facillitate our exchanging email addresses and then I can send you pictures directly, and I'd be happy to include explanations.

  9. Wife_Mother_Gardener 12/26/2012

    Beautiful, beautiful view of Brenda's garden. Merry Christmas all!

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