

Two species comprise this genus of spreading, bushy, annuals and perennials from the southern Andes. S. sinuata is the more widely cultivated. The flowers resemble a cross between petunias and daylilies, with their funnel shape and their rich colors in shades of red, yellow, bronze, violet-blue, and purple. In warm, relatively dry summer areas, grow in borders. In cooler areas, use in containers or a greenhouse, or bed out in summer.

Noteworthy CharacteristicsRichly colored flowers from summer to autumn. Native to the Andes.

CareIn the garden, grow in humus-rich, moist but well drained soil of moderate fertility in full sun. In the greenhouse, Salpiglossis needs full light with shade from the hot sun, low to moderate humidity, and moderate amounts of water.

PropagationSow seed at 64-75°F in mid-spring. In mild areas, seed may be sown where it is to grow in mid-spring.

ProblemsAphids, Botrytis, foot rot, root rot. 

Species and cultivars

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