This beautiful sedge's vivid foliage adds bright color to the garden. The yellow seems to glow in partial shade. Use this dramatic clump of foliage near water or in shallow water, or in another moist location.
CareProvide full sun or part shade and fertile, moist or wet soil.
PropagationDivide in spring.
ProblemsNothing serious.
- Genus : Carex
- Plant Height : 1 to 3 feet
- Plant Width : 1 to 3 feet
- Zones : 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Bloom Time : Early Summer
- Maintenance : Low
- Moisture : Medium to Wet
- Light : Partial Shade to Full Shade
- Foliage Color : Purple/Burgundy
- Characteristics : Showy Foliage
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Spring Interest
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