Woolly thyme—the wooliest of all thymes—forms a dense ground-covering mat of tiny, densely hairy leaves. The foliage has barely any fragrance and is unsuitable for culinary use. In summer, tiny pink tubular flowers appear. Plants grow to only an inch or so in height and spread to about a foot across.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsWoolly thyme thrives in any dry, well-drained spot. Patios, walks, rock gardens, stone walls, and pond borders all benefit from the creeping, cascading habit of woolly thyme. It also spills gracefully over stone walls and can be grown between pavers.
CareProvide well-drained, average, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. It will rot in moist soils. Cut back when needed to maintain appearance.
PropagationDivide in spring or fall, or sow seed in spring. Thymes are slow to germinate and hybridize regularly.
ProblemsGray mold, root rot
- Genus : Thymus
- Plant Width : 1 to 3 feet
- Zones : 5, 6, 7, 8
- Uses : Containers, Ground Covers
- Tolerance : Deer Tolerant, Frost Tolerant
- Moisture : Dry to Medium
- Bloom Time : Early Summer, Late Summer, Summer
- Characteristics : Fragrant Foliage, Showy Foliage
- Light : Full Sun
- Plant Type : Herbs
- Maintenance : Low
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Flower Color : Pink
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Spring Interest
- Plant Height : Under 6 inches
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