Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Woolly thyme like tumbling water

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jan Meissner

Today’s photos are from Jan Meissner in Avon, Ohio. She says, “I love the way my woolly creeping thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus, USDA Hardiness Zones 5-9) flows into my dry creek bed like water spilling over the rocks. The aqua color looks like it’s foaming to me.” Gorgeous, Jan! Jan’s garden was the winner of our Inspired Garden contest back in 2006. Want to see more photos of her incredible garden? Click here!

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jan Meissner
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jan Meissner


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  1. wGardens 04/19/2011

    Absolutely lovely! BTW, what is the tall plant to the left in the first photo? Thank you....

  2. stanhorst 04/19/2011

    That is really cool. I've never seen a plant with that growth habit before.

    What conditions does woolly creeping thyme like?

    Stan Horst

  3. Deanneart 04/19/2011


  4. ncgardener 04/19/2011

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I am getting started on my ground covers on my paths and this is such an inspiration.

  5. Vespasia 04/19/2011

    So lovely, I love woolly creeping Thyme myself, it softens edges and creates a near magical effect and as a bonus it does not mind being trodden on at all. There are quite a few of these sturdy creeping plants, my garden centre has them called either "Jeepers Creepers" or "Step Ons" they grow slowly but surely and work well in paths among the pavers.These are particularly beautiful, thanks for sharing

  6. greengrowler 04/19/2011

    Hi StanHorst.. Wooly thyme likes full sun and sharp drainage; although it is obviously doing great in humid Ohio. In my semi-arid climate, it does very well. The entire garden is magnificant!

  7. hkelman 04/19/2011

    Your devotion and love shines through every photo. Love your garden!

  8. pennylph 04/19/2011

    I love this garden, the juxtaposition of plants, colors. Its perfect!

  9. sheilaschultz 04/19/2011

    Jan, your gardens are truly inspired.

  10. soilgoil 04/21/2011

    A dream garden! I have a long, woolly thyme-lined pathway in my garden that was planted long before the garden was mine. Sad to say, however, I'm about to rip it all out because it's become infested with wild grasses and tap-rooted weeds that are impossible to control. If anyone has ideas on how I can remove HUNDREDS of weeds without damaging the thyme, please let me know.

  11. greenthumblonde 04/28/2011

    To soilgoil and your problematic weed infestation of your wooly thyme: My thyme would be infested also but I have to pull pull pull. Wait until you have a crazy heavy downpour so your soil is supersaturated. Then, pour a glass of wine. (You'll need it). Put a knee pad under your butt. Sit down and grab every one of the hundreds of invaders by the very base and pull straight up. It is tedious. You may need multiple rains to get them all. Persistence pays off. And the wine makes it possible :)

    Weeds and grass are the high maintenance drawback of every ground cover.

  12. valleygardener 05/01/2011

    I agree with soilgoil: after six years of dealing with trying to establish a wooly thyme path,I gave up this year and covered the whole thing with shredded redwood. I hated to let go of my dream path but the maintenance was too much. I am choosing my battles and weeding the path was not worth the look of it. I now punctuate the path with bulbs and other small plantingss so there is interest amongst the redwood.
    But I still love the look of the thyme in this photo so I will keep dreaming!

  13. rstamper 05/10/2011

    What a delightful setting. Wooly thyme tends to have a mind of its own. Every time we plant it in a garden bed, we eventually find it growing on the pebbles in a pathway and no longer any sign of it in the garden bed.

  14. Norskie63 06/28/2011


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