Garden Photo of the Day

A 100 Year Oak Tree with a Twist

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in Mary Pritikin's case, it's also worth 100 years! Thanks for sharing this amazing photo!

"Hi, I live in Chicago, Illinois. 13 years ago I planted a 1-gallon tiny climbing hydrangea against a 100 yr old oak tree. It has climbed almost all of the tree. Here it is in bloom today."

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Note: this is one of those times when one photo really says it all. 

View 22 comments


  1. wGardens 06/09/2015

    Amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/09/2015

    That's a real traffic stopper...I'm seeing a street light off to the left of the picture so I'm guessing this can be seen from the road.

  3. annek 06/09/2015

    Crazy growth, beautiful result. I've never seen a climbing hydrangea tower that high. You certainly placed her in the perfect spot!

  4. VikkiVA 06/09/2015

    Amazing - looks like the "old gal" is dressed for the red carpet. Vikki in VA

  5. NWAgardener 06/09/2015

    Spectacular! I've always wanted to plant a climbing hydrangea and I have the perfect oak. How many years before it bloomed? I've read that you have to be very patient because they often take many years before they first flower.

    1. NCYarden 06/09/2015

      I would say yes, please practice some patience. I believe it took 4 seasons before we got the first blooms on ours, and it was just a few when it did. Now it is regular and very floriferous.

  6. NCYarden 06/09/2015

    Sweet! Love the tree, and its use as a monumental trellis.

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/09/2015

    That is amazing!

  8. user-4691082 06/09/2015

    Beautiful Mary! Thanks for sharing

  9. thevioletfern 06/09/2015

    Incredible! Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful combination. You make me excited for my variegated climbing hydrangea that came from a 4" pot!

  10. ILfarmersdaughter 06/09/2015

    Wow. I've never seen something so magnificent. Thank you for sharing.

  11. sheila_schultz 06/09/2015

    How glorious! It looks like your oak tree is wearing a tutu ;)

  12. Nurserynotnordstroms 06/09/2015

    Lovely,thank goodness mine didn't do that because its on my fence.

  13. GrannyMay 06/09/2015


  14. GrannyCC 06/09/2015

    Wonderful. What a beautiful sight.

  15. user-7007083 06/09/2015

    Wow, amazing!

  16. user-7007140 06/09/2015

    Fabulous! Now I know what to plant and climb a beautiful old (dead) flowering crabapple. Your oak tree is wonderful - great of you to share this photo.

  17. user-7007645 06/09/2015

    Does it hurt the tree when vines climb it like that?

    1. 06/09/2015

      it depends on the vine. most that are that prolific will kill the tree.

  18. Cenepk10 06/09/2015

    Mine died in the drought of 2012 no matter how much I watered. Too many straight days of 108* temps. It is truly a blessing for me to see this ! And in only 13 years !!!! So beautiful !!!!

  19. perenniallycrazy 06/10/2015

    Amazing! What's the secret to making it flower?

  20. foxglove12 06/12/2015

    Wow, wow, wow. Beautiful! I have a variegated climbing hydrangea still in the pot. Still deciding where to put it. Will it harm or compete for nutrients of the host?

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