Garden Photo of the Day

A cute little annual combo

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Here’s a charming little duo of annuals that’d be super-easy to recreate. It’s simply cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus cvs.) and gomphrena (Gomphrena cvs.), both easy to either start from seed or buy in the garden center. Girly and cute, eh? This was taken at the Toledo Botanical Garden a few years ago. I was visiting my sister in southern Michigan at the time (hi Thea!!), and got an urge to drive an hour south to check this garden out. I wasn’t disappointed. TBG is really nice – go visit!!

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais


Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

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  1. sheilaschultz 02/03/2011

    A very spring-like photo... definitely encouraging with all the snow on the ground!

  2. gardengal42 02/03/2011

    Thank you YES very encouraging. I think I will try that in one of my gardens (small gardens) Here in North Carolina yesterday, I worked for 3 hours in the garden. This is clean up time here. Spring is beautiful here in Greensboro...

  3. arboretum 02/03/2011

    add some Salvia May Night into that picture and I'm a happy camper!

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