Garden Photo of the Day

A home fit for a gnome

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Photo/Illustration: Steven Cominsky

The Tyler Arboretum‘s Magical Habitats exhibition, which officially opens on Saturday, promises to be enchanting. When our assistant art director, Steven Cominsky, and I visited last week, a few of the installations were already in place, and we were especially charmed by this little gnome home in the middle of the woods. Have a peek inside. **Be sure to click on all of the photos on the left!

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Photo/Illustration: Steven Cominsky
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais


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View 5 comments


  1. ncgardener 05/24/2011

    Oh wow, that is too cute and it must take a lot of time to put together. I bet the kids really love it.

  2. Happily_Gardening 05/24/2011

    Oh my, that is sooo precious...absolutely enchanting! We have a few gnomes residing in our gardens.
    My favorite stands under a garden bench with a hoe in hand, violets planted in front of him so it appears he's tilling the soil around the violets.

  3. Califus 05/24/2011

    I need to live somewhere like this I wonder if they have condos or an apartment complex, if u can foreward the managers tel.# I contact them for rental agreement.
    This is very creative and artistic we all need to get out of the box once in awhile.

  4. arboretum 05/24/2011

    michelle, did they Tyler staff make this? or is it various artists exhibiting? these people need to be creditted!! Too Much! I am not a cutesy-gnome fan but this fits right into its natural surroundings. what a treat.

    The historic and famous New England Flower Show has had some amazing miniature landscapes submitted over the years. I fondly remember those of Warren Leach and Debbie Hogan of Tranquil Lake Nursery in Rehoboth MA. This piece and theirs- made me ache to create a mini landscape!

  5. sheilaschultz 05/24/2011

    I'm with Califus... and I would bet they even come with fireplaces for those damp Spring evenings!

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