Garden Photo of the Day

A humble garden ornament

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Photo/Illustration: Danielle Sherry

You might think this is a piece of driftwood that Barbara Weirich dragged up from the shores of Lake Michigan into her garden in Benton Harbor, Michigan. That’s what I thought, but associate editor Danielle Sherry, who took this photo, says that it’s actually a branch from a tree that fell in Barbara’s garden. Barbara turned lemons into lemonade by pairing this sculptural limb with a garden of grasses, to great effect.

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View 13 comments


  1. nadwa 02/25/2011


    am from iraq i cannot speak english well but when i see this

    picture i said ....subhanallla.. it is nice

  2. priscilla_zone5 02/25/2011

    This is so clever! The curve of the branch adds so much to the grasses setting. I bet it's awesome to observe it all when the wind is blowing the grasses. Fallen branches will never be viewed the same now! Thanks for sharing.

  3. DixieMay 02/25/2011

    I agree Nadwa. It is nice.

    It is very stormy here today. I may find some good branches on the ground when it's over to do the same thing. I like this much better than the manicured and planned look.

  4. user-7006896 02/25/2011

    It is nice, Nadwa! Your English is so much better than my Arabic.

  5. user-7006895 02/25/2011

    We've had a big branch in our yard since the ice storms last winter that my husband refused to get rid of, saying it's "nature's sculpture". Now I'm inspiring to plant around it rather than keep nagging him to get rid of it.

  6. gardengal42 02/25/2011

    Lovely, I save all the branches from my trees and use them as boarders in different areas. I need more ideas of what to do with them. Any help out there??

  7. sheilaschultz 02/25/2011

    Love the grasses, adore the sea serpent! A little bit of imagination can take us anywhere ;) Fun pic Danielle... and nadwa, I totally agree with JAABA. Nice to meet you.

  8. martha26 02/25/2011

    Lovely garden - woudl love to hear about ornamental grasses that can tolerate shade and zone 4. For the reader interested in planting ideas and her tree branches - I think that clematis would be lovely rambling through the branches.

  9. Mateja99 02/26/2011

    Hello!I come from Slovenia and my english is not so well... Oh, I love this grasses,it is just marvellous and for my opinion this root give a magical fairy look. Yes thanks for sharing!

  10. nadwa 02/27/2011

    A little bit of imagination can take us anywhere ;


    goodmorning sheila schultz your words is very nice.. and >>

    nice to meet you

  11. arboretum 02/27/2011

    terrific placement in a bed that really makes a good argument for the handsomeness of a grasses garden bed.

  12. djk78 02/28/2011

    Looks prehistoric, I love it. What a great idea!

  13. smdntv 03/02/2011

    Truly one of my favorites so far! Lovely and inspiring use of natural design.

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