Garden Photo of the Day

A Lovely New Hampshire Garden

By Kim Charles

Lily Jacobi from New Hampshire shares her local garden tour photos with us.

"More photos from my library! These photos were taken on a local garden tour here in NH.  We are in Zone 5B.  It is always fascinating to see the landscaping in various places. I particularly loved the water feature and the surrounding plantings."

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View 44 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 04/06/2017

    Hey Lily - You have absolutely knocked this Aussie's socks off. What a truly magnificent garden! The rockery and water feature by the lovely pool are outstanding. The rock work for the retaining walls and steps in the last photo. are also spectacular. The tall trees in the background layer the whole garden beautifully. This is one of the best gardens I have seen on GPOD and it is a credit to you and whoever helped you. You have created a wonderful retreat in which to enjoy life. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Cheers from Oz

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Frank! I wish I could take credit for this, but I was only the photographer! I think there are four different gardens represented here, on a garden tour I took a few years ago. I'm glad you enjoyed them so much!

  2. deeinde 04/06/2017

    Beautiful gardens! I loved that rock wall as well as the fountain. Isn't it fun to go on garden tours? I am always so inspired to make changes to my own garden when I return.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!

  3. user-7007498 04/06/2017

    Hi, Lily. Garden tours sure are fun. I love to see what other gardeners have done. How many different gardens are represented by the photos above? It looks like 3 distinct styles. I love the terracing in the last photo. This will look better and better with age. Great to see some Flower color. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Hi Kevin! Greetings from very rainy New Hampshire… We are in the midst of a flood warning today with lots of rain combined with snowmelt. It should be interesting! So if my memory serves me correctly, there are four different gardens in the photos that I sent in. I love them too and I'm glad everybody else is enjoying the photos today.

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/06/2017

    Good morning, Lily, nothing like beautifully done New England gardens to bring out a drool response in me. The first garden tour I ever went on was when I lived outside of Boston MA and I was so awed by beautiful rock walls and interesting plant combinations. To this day, almost 30 years later, I can still see some of the gardening triumphs in my mind. Your pictures certainly show that New Hampshire has some gorgeous gardens and how wonderful that the owners welcomed visitors.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Michaela! I have lots of photos from other garden tours, so will be sending more in!

  5. Maggieat11 04/06/2017

    A fabulous garden tour! I love the water features, mature trees and pops of color. The rock work is awesome. I especially loved the terraced walls in the last photo. Thanks for sharing, Lily!

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Margaret. I'm glad you enjoyed them! ?

  6. User avater
    user-7007816 04/06/2017

    Hello Lily, What a beautiful scene, particularly with it snowing outside in mid-Michigan. I particularly like your use of stone throughout the garden. Your plant combinations are so well done. Congratulations.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Dale, for your kind words. I wish I could take credit for the work that is shown in the gardens, but they were pictures taken on a garden tour. They are a wonderful source of inspiration for all of us though! ?

  7. NCYarden 04/06/2017

    Love seeing how others garden and put their space to use. Sites like this are great and garden tours are exceptionally sweet as we get an opportunity to be immersed with our own perspectives. I have to say I am awed by the elevated rocky garden and water feature pics. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      I am glad you enjoyed them!

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 04/06/2017

    Yep, I have to agree with others -- love that rock wall as well.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      I have some rock walls too, but nothing that fancy!

  9. annek 04/06/2017

    What a grand tour! The second photo with the deep pink and purple waves of color were lovely and, of course, that last photo with the charming rock is spectacular. The wall made me feel as though I were in a quaint European town of yore. Thanks for sharing

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Annek. I am glad you enjoyed them ?

  10. user-4691082 04/06/2017

    I love the little statue in the first photo. I, too, love that stone wall! My only question is, what is that hosta doing out in the hot sun?

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Hello Rhonda… My guess is that the hosta is 'Sum and Substance', in a bed that as well irrigated. It is sun tolerant in our zone 5b climate. I am inspired to get out in my own yard again!

  11. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/06/2017

    These are some incredible and inspring gardens, lily. I guess there's good use for the stony soil up in your neck of the woods.
    I'm just crazy about the various rock work and there are some great plant pairings. I'm quite impressed by the double echinacea in the second photo. I've pretty much given up on all the new hybrids because they just don't last long in my garden.
    Some of my rock work in the front needs some reworking, so now I'm doubly inspired. Hoping for a nice weekend.
    Thanks for sharing your archived tour photos!

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Tim! I'm inspired to go and do some work in my gardens as well!. It is raining today though so I will have to wait until the ground dries out and it's sunny again.

  12. oregongardengal 04/06/2017

    Wonderful rock work and plant combinations! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Nancy… I'm glad you enjoyed it… These photos and combinations are inspiration for all of us.

  13. Doxnmomx2 04/06/2017

    I have stone envy says the girl with gumbo (clay) soil. Beautiful and inspiring.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      Thank you Peggy Joe! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos… More will be forthcoming!

  14. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 04/06/2017

    Lily, these rock walls are exactly what we tried to achieve in our garden and we're almost there Now we're just waiting for the moss to accumulate, which shouldn't take long here in the PNW.
    This garden appears to have some exceptional backdrop to enhance their creative landscaping. The echinacea with the perovskia is a winning combination. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

      I'm glad you enjoyed the photos Linda! I had forgotten that they were going to be posted today, so when I opened up my email it was a lovely surprise for me too!

  15. Sunshine111 04/06/2017

    I'm glad you enjoyed the photos Diane… They make me happy too!

  16. user-7007140 04/06/2017

    Very beautiful, Lily. Dry stone walls always amaze me, filled with tumbling and creeping plants in every crevice, truly a work of art. I have always craved one of my own.
    Love the plantings, boulders, waterfall and the bench to view it all. So much to see, lovely paths to wander. My kind of garden. The contrasting texture of stone and paving is very calming. Thank you.

    1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

      I am glad you enjoyed the photos and inspiration Eddi!

  17. granitestategardener 04/06/2017

    Oh, the pictures of the gardens are so beautiful! A few look familiar to me... Are any of them from the Monadnock region? I wonder if you have been to the Fry gardens in Peterborough and have pictures in your library.

    1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

      Hello Granite State Gardener! Where are you located? I am in Hooksett and these pictures were on a garden tour in Bedford a few years ago.

      I have not been to Fry Gardens and had not heard of them. But I did find this on the web:

      1. granitestategardener 04/07/2017

        I’m in Hollis, just 20 minutes from Bedford. Funny, you that you found an article with both Fry and Hayward. The gardens are of Stan Fry’s garden. Both of their gardens have been on the Garden Conservancy Open Days (12 acres vs. 2 acres of garden space, and each just as worthy). You should check the website periodically for updates to see if either are on it again this year. Definitely worth the ride from Hooksett! (Putney, Vermont) Gordon Hayward has published several gardening books. He assisted Stan Fry with some of the designs in his massive garden.

        1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

          I have been to Gordon's garden in Vermont more than once, on garden tours. I am familiar with his work as I used to be a landscape and garden designer myself.

          I also do garden tours often, including open garden days, so if he's on the tour again I will Make a point of going to check it out . Thanks for the feedback. ?

  18. tennisluv 04/07/2017

    The pictures you submitted of the New Hampshire garden tour you had previously taken were lovely. Like you I enjoy seeing gardens from other locations. I am always amazed to discover many of the same plants that thrive here in the southern US growing elsewhere but am also envious of the beauties that won't. The garden pictured was well done; beautifully layered and peaceful with just the right amount of all the elements.

    1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

      Thank you Sonya... the pictures above are actually 4 different gardens, though it would be tough to tell if you hadn't been on the tour with me!

  19. Chris_N 04/07/2017

    Beautiful gardens, Lily. Thanks for sharing. It's always fun to take garden tours. The stonework in some of these is amazing.

    1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

      I am glad you enjoyed them Chris!

  20. User avater
    HelloFromMD 04/07/2017

    Wow, great rock garden. I bet those boulders were put into position by a team of strong men with crowbars.

    1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

      I think you are right!

  21. user-3565112 04/07/2017

    Lili,,I believe the ultimate goal of most gardeners is to share their garden & bring a little beauty & pleasure into the lives of others. If the folks who created these gardens see your post & the comments they no doubt are happy knowing their work is enjoyed & appreciated.
    Thank you Lili & good luck, Joe

    1. Sunshine111 04/07/2017

      Thank you Joe!???

  22. deborahloveladybrinkman 04/12/2017

    Don't you just love spring...everything looks so happy in this garden!

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