Garden Photo of the Day

A patio that floats!

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

OK, not really. But the narrow water channel and pool that surround Scott Endres’ back patio in St. Paul, Minnesota, make this patio seem like an island of tranquility. It’s a tiny space that’s been transformed into the perfect spot to sip a morning cup of coffee or share cocktails with friends in the evening. Containers go a long way to make this space personal and lively. A low tabletop landscape beckons you to examine it a bit closer but doesn’t block your conversation. The containers flanking the back door are dynamic and fun, just like their designer.

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View 2 comments


  1. GoodtoGrow 06/16/2010

    Wow, what a beautiful oasis!

  2. petuniababi 03/09/2011

    This is truly gorgeous!!! You can feel tranquility oozing from the photo.How you are if you are invited to share this patio for a visit.

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