Garden Photo of the Day

A Romantic Garden in Germany

This summer garden is full of roses

We’re off to Germany today, where Thomas Vollmert, an optometrist and garden photographer, is showing us around his summer garden.

Here are some pictures from my garden, which is located in North Rhine-Westphalia in central Germany. I have designed the garden myself since 1994. It is a garden of the four seasons. There is always something blooming, and the pictures show my summer garden with the rose blossom in June. Here many roses bloom, such as ‘Appleblossom’, ‘Pink Cloud’, ‘The Fairy’, and ‘Rosarium Uettersen’. There are many perennials and annual summer flowers, combined with grasses and shrubs.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, and I send you garden greetings from Germany!

This is such a classic, romantic garden, with the incredible roses and lush perennials spilling over the edges of the path.

Here we see a garden bed that makes great use of different heights of plants. By using very tall shrubs and perennials in the back, this planting is turned into a dense wall of color and beauty.

Some gardens rely on mulch to cover the ground, but here, dense planting fills every space. The result is a solid tapestry of color and foliage, and as an added bonus, there’s nowhere for weeds to grow.

Absolutely magical! This view looks like something out of a painting, too perfect for real life.

Neatly sheared hedges and topiary wind through the garden. These very formal, tidy elements play perfectly off the wilder, looser growing roses and perennials. The hedges keep the other plants from looking too rough and unkept, and the exuberant roses keep the hedges from seeming too stiff and formal.

A final view of this enchanted garden. I wish I was there, drinking in the smell of those roses!


Have a garden you’d like to share?


Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

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View 20 comments


  1. Musette1 03/29/2019

    What a beautiful space - love the interplay between rigidity (hedges) and freeform (roses, grasses & others) - the hedges give the eye something to rest upon before getting back to the fabulous at hand! Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous space! I, too, wish I was there, amongst the roses.

  2. mjensen 03/29/2019


  3. garden1953 03/29/2019

    Lovely work of art. Would love to learn a little about your climate.

    1. gartenlust 03/29/2019

      Hello, this garden is n the middle of Germany. The winters could be cool and with snow. Spring is late in April and the summer ist warm and there is some years a lot of rain.

  4. nwphillygardener 03/29/2019

    Such a lush garden! But these photos show hints of a view beyond, misty hillsides, that actually compete for attention while bowers of sumptuous roses area in full bloom. In the photo with the red-tinged grass in a black urn, is that pale yellow green cloud a drift of lady's mantle (Alchemilla molls) in bloom?

    1. gartenlust 03/29/2019

      Hello Yes, it is Alchemilla mollis. Thank you for your comment. Thomas

  5. rosemamainva 03/29/2019

    Simply dreamy.....congratulations on a simply beautiful garden. Are most of the roses one time bloomers?

    1. gartenlust 03/29/2019

      Oh. thank you !!!!

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/29/2019

    Hi, Thomas, your garden is an absolute buffet of bountiful beauty. I feel somewhat intoxicated by the lush cascades of rose blooms and the only thing keeping me upright are the sturdy framework of the well pruned hedge bushes (just teasing...I promise I wouldn't careen about your plantings like a drunken fool if I had the privilege to walk about it in person). You have really taken the ying and yang of gardening to sublime perfection.

    1. gartenlust 03/29/2019

      Thank you for this nice compliment. Yes, it is true !! Ilove gardening !!

  7. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/29/2019

    Please share more!

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/29/2019

    I don't know if anyone will see this but Thomas has a blog at this link

    1. User avater
      simplesue 03/29/2019

      treasuresmom, Thanks for the blog link, I love garden blogs and I love this garden, so I'm sure to enjoy it!

  9. btucker9675 03/29/2019


  10. 18bees 03/29/2019

    You have created a beautiful garden, well done and thanks for sharing!

  11. User avater
    simplesue 03/29/2019

    Perfection! Usually when I'm admiring someone's beautiful garden I alway find myself thinking that I would have done one or two things differently. But in the case of your garden, it has reached every bit of perfection possible. It really is enchanted, and amazing!

    1. gartenlust 03/29/2019

      Thank you !!!

  12. wittyone 03/29/2019

    What a beautiful job you have done. Actually "job" is not really the correct word since planning and then implementing that plan for a garden is, for most real gardeners, not really work but an enjoyable pastime.

    I love to see gardens created and put in place by the homeowner themselves, rather than a landscape designer. Most often they are much more creative and better show the personality of the gardener.

    This is just totally beautiful. How big is the area that comprises the garden?

    1. gartenlust 03/29/2019

      Thank you for this nice compliment. The garden is only 600 square meters great.

  13. christianesterges 03/30/2019

    Congratulations here too....and best wishes for a summer as beautiful as the one you show here...

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