Garden Photo of the Day

A truly grand garden tool shed

Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

A few weeks ago I took advantage of the Garden Conservancy’s Open Days program and got to visit Linda Allard’s gorgeous garden in Washington, Connecticut.

Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Linda Allard was the head designer for Ellen Tracy for many, many years, and her incredible taste extends to her home and garden. I’ll show you a few scenes from her garden in the next couple of days. I’ll start with her amazing tool sheds.

Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

We didn’t know that’s what they were as we approached the garden from the parking area. We were too entraced by the espaliered trees against their back walls! (1st photo) We walked through the threshhold between the buildings, and when we turned around, we started drooling even more. Oh, to have such a classy, organized, and soothing space to store lowly gardening equipment… I’m always shy about introducing myself when I go to these open garden tours, but my friend Rebecca has no such problem. She marched up, introduced herself and me, and asked for a photo opportunity! (last photo) That’s me on the left (with the squinty, just-took-off-the-sunglasses eyes), Linda in the middle, and Rebecca on the right. More tomorrow!

Click to enlarge.
Photo/Illustration: Tom Urban


Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

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R E A D E R  P H O T O S: We love featuring your photos, too. If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us. Send hi-res images if possible. We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.

View 7 comments


  1. arboretum 07/25/2011

    The one thing that i really liked at linda allard's place was the combination of clematis and climbing roses up the columns in her walled garden.Whoever her gardener/garden designer is, it's a clever planting combo. Michelle, I hope you will be showing shots of nearby Bunny Williams' place with her unforgettable Rustic Parthenon pool house,probably my favorite of any garden structure I've ever seen.


  2. Deanneart 07/25/2011

    How fabulous! wish I had room for a wonderful structure here. Also wish I had the time to keep it that organized.

  3. ElveraH 07/25/2011

    I thought you were in Tuscany not Connecticut! I am originally from Ct and never saw anything grow like this yard has. I would love to see this in person one day. Thank you for sharing such an inspirationl property. I look forward to seeing more of your photos. This is by far my favorite of yours to date. Keep them coming, you make my day!

  4. user-7006900 07/25/2011

    That is really neat. Thanks for sharing!

  5. sheilaschultz 07/25/2011

    I love Open Days in Denver. I can't even imagine all the great gardens you get to see on the East Coast! The tool shed is beyond beautiful, and it's so clean... do you think the one next to it is a tiche dirty?

  6. tractormama 07/25/2011

    Beautiful!!! What are the espaliered plants we see in your photo?

  7. boards 07/26/2011

    I think that all I need in money! I already have the rose and clematis combo on a laurel limb fence and arch. It is lovely. The rose is New Dawn - the wonder rose!

    Happy in the Southern Hills

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