Garden Photo of the Day

An Adirondack Garden

Barbara Bonnett puts her skills to work in her ADK garden.

"I have been gardening all my life. Personal, golf course design, nursery experience at Bachman's, one of the largest nurseries in the U.S.  I did all the display plantings for this nursery. I also was the  gardener for a suburban city I lived in, now providing planters for the town businesses where I live now,  including a distinguished resort called Trout House Village Resort, Hague, NY, on one of ten best lakes in the US.
I have developed my own gardens which surround my home in Lake George, Ny.  It is my passion, hope you enjoy!"

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View 40 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 06/10/2016

    Wow Barbara - you obviously practise what you preach! Spectacularly beautiful garden with first class photography. Well done!

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thank you Frank. fFun to have found this chat room, Let there be flowers ?,

  2. User avater
    user-7007816 06/10/2016

    Very nicely done. I see you are a real plant lover.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thanks Dale, happy to have found this outlet, so pleased I got photo of the day ?

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/10/2016

    Happy Good Morning,'re obviously a person who not only loves color but also isn't afraid to use it and celebrate it. I get a sense of joy in your plant selections and your garden vibe is welcoming, relaxed and lively. I would love to know the identity in the 4th picture down of the plant that's deep purple with a white center? Sounds like you have been one of the fortunate ones who has had a career involved with something that you love.

    1. NCYarden 06/10/2016

      I was wondering the same about that bloom. I thought for a moment it was clematis venosa viloacea, but realized this is growing in a pot, and seemed just too stubby for a vine (not that it couldn't be all wound through there). I await the answer as well.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/10/2016

        Looking at the skosh of foliage visible, I'm guessing Petunia; same with the white flower next to the purple ones.

        1. User avater
          meander_michaele 06/10/2016

          Ha, we're all such plant you think that there is another view of the container that has this cool flower in the 2nd picture from the bottom? I think your guess of a petunia is a good one. If so, it sure is a beauty and one I haven't seen offered for sale in my area.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/10/2016

            You have a great eye. That definitely is the same container. You can see the same salvia and vinca, and it even is the same view. Plant-Busters!
            I've noticed that petunia breeders have upped their game lately. I had a great, velvety black one last year. Some scientists are even tweaking the genetics of petunias so that you can change their color by watering with the right solution or change color during the day based on the plants internal clock. Fascinating and not really the kind of messing around that could cause ecological problems.

          2. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/11/2016

            That's great, I love petunias!

        2. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

          Yes Tim, you are right.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/10/2016

            It's a beauty. I wonder if it will set seed that comes true.....

          2. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

            Exactly, so many hybrids go back to what they were. ?

      2. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

        It's a petunia that I have not located anymore.....?

    2. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      I think your referring to a container petunia. I have not found another one like it....lucky me!

  4. NCYarden 06/10/2016

    A lifetime of gardening exquisitely on display. Such a very tidy and bright garden. It seems so cheerful, and I can only imagine it provides just that (tons of cheer) each day for you. Well done. Thank you for sharing.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thanks NC Yarden.

  5. user-4691082 06/10/2016

    I just love that long border with all of the colors. I would also love to see the containers you made for that resort. Send more photos!

    1. frankgreenhalgh 06/10/2016

      Looks like a herbicide (perhaps Roundup) helps to maintain the border Rhonda.

      1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

        No Round Up, but I do use Preen Weed Preventer in the spring.

    2. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      I'll get some photos together. Tks.

  6. greengenes 06/10/2016

    Your gardens are very colorful and free flowing, Barbara. Quite a change from a golf course design for sure! I love your use of color and it all seems so happy! Thanks for sharing with us all! Have a wonderful summer!

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thanks Jeanne!

  7. User avater
    HelloFromMD 06/10/2016

    Hi Barbara, beautiful gardens and so much color in the shade. I too garden beneath tall trees and try to make best use of my sunnier spots. When selecting plants I look at the size of the leaf, selecting plants with broad leaves. Though of course there are exceptions with coreopsis doing well in part sun. Salvia splendens does well in part sun and supports my hummingbirds. What are your favorite "sun" plants for a part sun location? And what are the light blue flowers in front of what I'm guessing is Spirea Ogon? Sharing some from my list of surprises are Penstemon Dark Towers and Penstemon smallii.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thanks hello, The blue is "blue phlox", a spring bloomer. I adore coleus, Victoria blue salvia, ladies mantel, cushion spurge has awesome brilliant yellow foliage in the spring, so many favorites to mention. Tks.

  8. user-7007714 06/10/2016

    Amazing???. My Saturday mornings always start with a trip to Bachman's.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      I worked in the Bloomington, Mn nursery at the time. Which one do you go to?

  9. sheila_schultz 06/10/2016

    Lovely gardens bursting with color... they must make you smile every day!

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Yes Sheila, they are my joy!

  10. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/10/2016

    Really nice plants, borders, rocks and shrubs. I'm particularly taken with the purples. You've got some great coleus, too. Impressive.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thanks Tim!

  11. GrannyCC 06/10/2016

    Your garden is delightful and the beds are so packed with wonderful healthy plants. it is a cornucopia of colour.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Thanks Cathy!

  12. VikkiVA 06/10/2016

    I would one day love to visit your area of the country. I know it must be gorgeous in and around the lakes. Everything looks so lush and colorful.Your neighbors must feel so blessed to have you living in their neighborhood! I spotted that beautiful oak leaf hydrangea and what is the shrub with the white blooms in the corner of the fence and the wooden trellis? Vikki in VA.

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016

      Vicky, That is also. Hydrangea. I have planted several varieties and not sure which is which. Thanks for your comments!

  13. Cenepk10 06/10/2016

    So lovely... So So lovely

    1. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/10/2016


  14. Patti_L 06/10/2016

    The lawns lookk so lush...despite obvious shady areas. How? and is it turf or grown from seed?

  15. user-7007498 06/11/2016

    Barbara: Love the long borders. The lawn does a great job of calming the eye with all the color in the beds. Very nice design. I, too, love that petunia. Awesome. Thanks so much for sharing your garden.

  16. GailOakes 06/12/2016

    Barbara, I enjoyed your photos and love the lush look of your garden offset with lawn and trees. I too garden at Lake George, on the southern end, at Wiawaka Center for Women. I have 20 separate garden areas, but on 19 acres they are very spread out. I also do about 40 containers to add color to our guest houses. Sometime you might like to visit us.

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