Garden Photo of the Day

An Heirloom Rose Bush

Bringing beauty for decades

close up of bright pink rose

We’re in Norwalk, Ohio, visiting with Jodie Kerby today.

My husband and I have lived in our house for over 20 years, and this rose bush has always been here. I just made my new flower beds around it. I had an old lady stop by the house in 2000 and tell me that her dad planted these roses when she was a child. Knowing some of the history makes me love this rose bush even more. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do.

large rose bush next to a covered porch
Though roses have a reputation for being fussy, many old roses are tough survivors that can persist and even thrive in gardens for years.

rose bush next to hostasThis old rose is certainly thriving, making a beautiful mass of flowers.

close up of bright pink rose bush
Many old roses bloom just once in the beginning of summer but make up for that by flowering heavily.

close up of bright pink roseLook at these gorgeous flowers. In classic old-rose fashion, they are packed to the brim with layer upon layer of petals.

close up of bright pink rose
It’s wonderful to think about how many years, and for how many people, this beautiful rose has been bringing joy with its beauty.


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View 5 comments


  1. MohawkValley 06/15/2023

    You can call her "The Queen" ! She will be on her "throne" for years and years to come . Don't forget to give her some springtime food with phosphorus ! Peace .

  2. angelaobrienruff 06/15/2023

    I love plants with history. Here’s mine. When I was four years old (I’m almost 72 now) a neighbor gave my mother a small rose bush from a cutting of one in her garden. Years later my mother rooted a cutting from her rose for me. Over 40 years it has moved with us from house to house and is still thriving. I consider it part of my memory garden and always think of my mother when it blooms.

    1. User avater
      simplesue 06/15/2023

      That's a great story of plant history also!

  3. User avater
    simplesue 06/15/2023

    I wish someone would walk up to my garden and tell me a story about a couple of old Rhododendrons, and a big old Lindon Tree someone planted long ago.
    I just loved hearing about your rose and it's history, a great story, and how lucky that she shared it with you.
    It's amazing how long it's lived in that spot and how healthy it is- so beautiful!

  4. btucker9675 06/15/2023

    I swear I could smell the rose fragrance when I looked at your photos... so beautiful!

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