Garden Photo of the Day

An oasis for bored significant others

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

What garden-obsessed shopper doesn’t need one of these at their local nursery? At Annie’s Annuals and Perennials in Richmond, California, bored significant others can hang out together at the GUYS CORNER. Now if there were a PlayStation involved, their spouses might be able to get by with at least another hour or two of browsing…

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  1. arboretum 06/07/2010

    that is so CUTE! I was already impressed by Annie because of her carrying Geranium Mrs. Kendall Clarke, a very hard-to-find and fav. geranium. Now I know she has a great sense of humor, so excuse me while I get my order in to her asap!

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