Garden Photo of the Day

Assorted GPODs

Roundup of various small GPOD submissions

blue hydrangeas

From time to time I get submissions to the GPOD that are just one or two photos—not enough to make a full post. Often, though, these photos are beautiful and interesting, so today I have collected a bunch of them to share together.

vegetable garden with orange marigold flowers
This first one is from Tascha Raymond, who gardens in Central Illinois and has a very beautiful vegetable garden: Each year I tell myself that this year I will do a better job of pruning my tomatoes. Last year was no exception, but once again when the time came to ‘cut cut cut’ I didn’t have the confidence to really do it—so one plant of yellow pear-shaped cherry tomatoes grew up one side of an 8-foot arch and down the other! Here is a photo. In the foreground you can see my kale, marigold border, a variegated basil, and a determinate tomato plant that I did prune.

garden bed full of foliage plants
Next up is Johanna from Aiken, South Carolina: The island in front of my house looks amazing, and it’s the first time I’ve been able to capture the false cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera, Zones 4–8) and ‘Black Diamond’ crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia ‘Black Diamond’, Zones 7–10) together in their early stages. The ‘Black Diamond’ will eventually have black leaves with dark red flowers.

blue hydrangeasJenny Babcock shared this photo of some truly stunning hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla, Zones 5–9)

limelight hydrangeasKeeping with the hydrangea theme, Dorothy Buckleyi in Monroe, New York, shared her beautiful planting of limelight hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’, Zones 4–8).

large white flowers next to smaller white flowers
Diane Workman sent in a photo of these beautiful white Japanese irises (Iris ensata, Zones 5–9).

two white lily flowers
The next three photos are from Christine Petersen: Orientpet Lilium ‘Silver Scheherazade’ (Zones 4–8) is a newly planted favorite suggested by a gardening friend in Canada. I have added dozens of Lilium to my collection over the years even though we now have the dreaded red lily beetle.

deep purple and yellow daylily in front of pink hydrangea
Daylilies can grow in partial-sun conditions, as evidenced by Hemerocallis ‘Grey Witch’ (Zones 3–8), which shares a home with Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Cityline Rio’ (Zones 5–9) and other shade-loving shrubs and perennials.

shade garden full of foliage plants
Much of my garden is in partial to full shade. This bed is situated under a towering blue spruce that I planted after using it as a living Christmas tree many years ago. There are also Eastern red cedars (Juniperus virginiana, Zones 2–9) and an old ‘Liberty’ apple tree (Malus ‘Liberty’, Zones 5–8) overhead. Numerous Hosta cultivars (Zones 3–8), Japanese painted ferns (Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’, Zones 4–9), Carex ‘Ice Cream’ (Zones 5–9), Pulmonaria ‘Opal’ (Zones 4–8), and pink-flowered Calamintha grandiflora (Zones 5–9) line the shady garden pathway. The creamy white flower in front of the obelisk is Aruncus dioicus (Zones 4–8), or goatsbeard as it’s commonly called. The very large leaves are from a Rodgersia (Zones 4–8). In the background, Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Summer Sun’ (Zones 3–9) bathes in a patch of sunlight.

clump of air plants on a table with pink flowers
This image, from Catherine Dickerson in San Diego, is a pile of Tilandsia (air plants, Zones 9–11 or as houseplants) in bloom. They’re just sitting naked on the table!

various flowers in small vases
The last photo, also from Catherine, shows assorted trimmings and accidents from her garden made into bouquets.


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

Have a mobile phone? Tag your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Do you receive the GPOD by email yet? Sign up here.

View 8 comments


  1. nwphilagardener 04/29/2022

    I'm glad that when any gardener sees that something they have planted is "having a moment" GPOD can encourage them to get out there with a camera and take as many pictures from as many angles, perhaps at different times of the day, to capture it. There's delight in what delights each of us. And GPOD is a great way to share it!

  2. garden1953 04/29/2022

    I love the daily GPOD. Especially those that show photos of gardens and not just individual flowers. The photos of hydrangeas are beautiful but in my opinion there are to many of them.

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom 04/29/2022

    Thanks to all who shared these lovely photos.

  4. User avater
    simplesue 04/29/2022

    Just love that shade garden of Christine Petersen!
    Tascha Raymond has exactly the formal style vegetable garden I dream of having!
    I always appreciate a nice collection of bushes and trees like the island planted by Johanna.
    Oh the gorgeous hydrangeas of Jenny Babcock and Dorothy Buckley...can't wait for the day mine are that mature!
    The Japanese Irises of Diane't even know they existed- gorgeous!
    Those unusual blooming air plants of Catherine cool!
    I love putting flowers that break off into little vases like Catherine's pretty bouquets...that orange flower is so pretty.

    This was a nice collection of gardens and plants, very enjoyable.

  5. btucker9675 04/29/2022

    What a fun post!!! I, too, am envious of that beautiful vegetable garden.

  6. jos29803 04/29/2022

    Thank You Fine Gardening for the GPOD it gives avid and novice gardeners a chance to see, share, create, inspire and appreciate the beauty of gardening. 5 Stars!!!!

  7. bsavage 04/29/2022

    I love this! Thank you for sharing photos from many different gardens!

  8. uchiha 11/28/2022

    What a fun article! I also wish I had that lovely vegetable garden. spider solitaire 2 suit

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