Garden Photo of the Day

Bear Trap Garden

By Kim Charles

On the edge of the prairie, sits Dave Egbert's garden, that supports both pollinators and the beautiful Monarchs.

"My tiny garden is in Northeast South Dakota near Lake Byron, SD, USDA Zone 4.  I moved from California in late 2014 and had left behind behind a large garden outside Redding, CA. My new garden is only temporary until I move back this Fall, but I wanted to plant some pollinator friendly plants, especially to support Monarch butterflies. The garden is only two 12×12 beds with a wind shelter fence on two sides to protect the plants from the harsh weather on the Northern Prairies."

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View 19 comments


  1. Sunshine111 06/19/2017

    I love it! Vibrant colors and wonderful for the environment.

  2. NCYarden 06/19/2017

    Very mighty effort for a "tiny" garden. I think it's fantastic your desire to garden had you developing a temporary garden, and with a helpful goal in mind for pollinators. Right on. Despite the size it's a fun and colorful garden with a nice variety of plants. Well done. I know the Monarchs and others appreciate it. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Maggieat11 06/19/2017

    I echo the previous comments! What a wonderful idea and it looks great also! Thanks for sharing.

  4. user-3282241 06/19/2017

    Such a bright and cheerful garden. I am going to "steal" some of your plants for my garden in Vermont. Thanks for sharing.

  5. wittyone 06/19/2017

    Small but lovely. You have created a beautiful feasting oasis for many little creatures-----I'm sure they welcome your help.

  6. User avater
    treasuresmom 06/19/2017

    Wonderful that you have done this. Pollinators certainly appreciate it.

  7. user-4691082 06/19/2017

    I want to echo what David said below!

  8. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/19/2017

    I love the mounded forms and colors in your pollinator garden. Really nice choice of plants. I'm even more in love with your use of the corrugated sheet metal roofing for the barriers. It's very cool and it must be really firmly anchored down for when the wind comes sweeping down the plains!

  9. chelleisdiggin 06/19/2017

    How great that you make the best of your temporary environment! It's a lesson to all of us that no matter how big or how small, we can always make a contribution to make the world a better place. Thanks!

  10. sheila_schultz 06/19/2017

    Dave, you have created a much needed oasis for the pollinators traveling across the vast, windswept prairies of SD. They must send signals across the plains telling their winged buddies that they won't believe the incredible buffet that has just been discovered! Very amazing use of 2-12x12 spaces... and your wind shield ain't too shabby either, it's gorgeous!

  11. MNGardenGirl 06/19/2017


  12. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/19/2017

    Hi, Dave, did you know from the very beginning that your "tour of duty" in NE was going to only be a few years? If so, it's all the more commendable that you got right to work in establishing a garden that is not only pretty but has purpose. I just came back from visiting Brookings for a few days (my husband's mother lives there) and it's always a treat to visit the McCrory Gardens at South Dakota State in Brookings. If, by chance, you haven't been, I strongly recommend it.

  13. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 06/19/2017

    Dave, like others, I so appreciate the effort that you've made to improve your environment for your relatively short stay in SD. You've included some of my favorites in the amsonia, nepeta and of course allium. Your wind fence is great, too, and adds a good CA touch. Thanks for sharing.

  14. schatzi 06/19/2017

    What a beautiful collection of plants, and a wonderful contribution to the environment. I am sure the pollinators love it. Great job.

  15. user-7007498 06/19/2017

    Nice job, Dave, to create an oasis for yourself and the surrounding pollinators. Big or small, gardens add value. Good plant selection. Thanks for sharing your story.

  16. greengenes 06/19/2017

    Hi Dave... What a special garden you have created. I love that wherever you go you have your heart and hands in the dirt to benefit. I really like how you used the coragated steel sheets! Here in Washington it is a big thing to use rusty panels and i really like it! Thanks for sharing!

  17. user-7008421 06/19/2017

    Beautiful garden. It took lots of hard work to create you awesome gardens. Job well done!

  18. tennisluv 06/19/2017

    How wonderful of you to create a temporary garden for yourself and the bees, birds and butterflies during your sojourn in South Dakota. Although small, your two beds are lovely and abundant, so I am sure all of you reap the benefits of your work. You have planted several of my favorites (I have 5 nepeta 'dropmore' not so patiently waiting for me to move them from nursery pots to flower beds.) Thanks for sharing.

  19. Cenepk10 06/20/2017

    Sweet !!!!!

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