Garden Photo of the Day

Beautiful Gardening Projects

Veggies, a deck and gazebo, oh my! Sherri and her husband have done a lot in just four years!

"For the last 4 years my Hubby and I have been redoing a much neglected back yard. First came the deck, then the raised bed veggy garden and this summer the much loved and awaited Gazebo. I thought you might like the process." ~Sherri T.

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View 5 comments


  1. GrannyMay 09/23/2015

    Wow! I didn't get my GPOD email notification this morning, so almost missed seeing your wonderful garden. I'm so glad I decided to search for it.

    Sherri, I love how you and your hubby have combined natural materials like stones and driftwood with recycled objects (I assume), fabrics, structures and plants to create your own unique garden paradise. Clearly one or both of you have the artist's eye and the green thumb to make this all work so beautifully! Thank you for sharing!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/23/2015

    Hi, Sherri, I, also, didn't get an up to date email notification but because of my addiction to gpod, I tracked today's posting the old fashioned way. Your wonderful pictures certainly deserve lots of oohs and ahhs. You are a person after my own heart with the inclusion of a gazebo and an outdoor display table and all sorts of fun and creative ornamentation. Congrats to you and your husband for being such a great team. Do you happen to know what the deep red colored plant is in the succulent filled container in the first picture? It sure jumped out at me!

  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 09/23/2015

    Finding my way here the old-fashioned way, too! You guys have done a lot of great work. Love your castor bean and that succulent congregation in the first photo gets a hearty "Amen" from me! Beautiful!

  4. perenniallycrazy 09/25/2015

    This is so fabulous and fun! Glad I caught it (though late) through their FB notification.

  5. yaijaturaporn 06/03/2016

    Buddha is not for decoration , but for respecting. Please stop it.

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