Garden Photo of the Day

Belinda’s Florida Garden

Some favorite flowers

Hi, I am Belinda Smith Lawson. I live in Riverview, Florida, which is Zone 9.

“My garden is seven years old. I have growing beds in my front, back and side yards for flowers and edibles.”

“This photo is my backyard garden at dawn. Pots and in ground planting are used for flowering shrubs, perennials, succulents, and some annuals.”

Close look at the flowers of a yellow canna lily (Canna hybrid, Zone 8 – 10 or as tender bulb).

“Cannas are well adapted to Central Florida growing conditions so I use several varieties extensively in my garden to create a tropical vibe. They flower year-round here.”

“This is Dahlia ‘Rebecca’s World’ (Zone 9 – 11 or as tender bulb) I planted 4 months ago. No two of the five-inch wide flower are the same.”

“This rose is called ‘Belinda’s Dream’ and I have been growing it for four years. The flowers are 4 -5 inches across and smell delightfully fruity. The rose blooms year round but especially in autumn and spring.”


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View 4 comments


  1. User avater
    simplesue 12/12/2023

    I love seeing all the different garden styles and different growing zones!
    I love your backyard patio with all the interesting potted plants & planted border with the big beautiful open sky- so pretty!

  2. User avater
    treasuresmom 12/12/2023

    I adore Belinda's Dream. So very fragrant & a heavy bloomer.

  3. btucker9675 12/12/2023

    So pretty - especially your lovely brick patio! That Rebecca's World dahlia is spectacular.

  4. 12/12/2023

    I love your patio with the pavers. Great close-up shots of the flowers. A spectacular dahlia. I planted two last year and this year they grew to 10 feet! So frustrating! I like the big ones, but 10 ft. is too tall to enjoy and then they need so much support. I am not familiar with that rose. It is a showstopper. K. Sandel

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