Garden Photo of the Day

Blooms from Northern Germany

Looking forward to warmer days

large pink rose bloom

Today we’re headed off to Angeln in northern Germany! Tracy Asmussen is sharing some shots of a beautiful home garden while eagerly anticipating the arrival of summer.

multicolored roseI love how every petal on this lovely rose flower seems to be shaded a different color. I wonder if it smells as beautiful as it looks?

bright pink rhododendronNothing quite does spring bloom like a rhododendron shrub (Rhododendron hybrid, Zones 5–8). This one is a particularly bright color and is loaded down with flowers. Clearly, Tracy is giving this plant what it wants in life to be happy and healthy!

large pink rose bloomAnother beautiful rose, hanging down. It looks like this is right outside a window, which is a perfect spot for a fragrant rose.

multicolored peach rose bloom
These roses are just incredible! This warm pink looks good enough to eat.

purple rose bloom
Roses famously come in nearly every color but blue, but that does include some that edge toward lavender and purple.

Lupine bloom in front of trees
These lupines (Lupinus polyphyllus, Zones 4–7) are just starting to open up their dramatic spires of purple flowers. Lupines are classic flowers of cooler, northern gardens, as hot summer temperatures tend to be lethal for them. Southern lupine lovers can enjoy them as annuals by planting them in the fall for a spring bloom.

rhododendron next to hostas
A view from above of that flower-covered rhododendron, along with some extremely happy hostas.

Oriental poppies in a small garden bed
With huge, bright orange blooms in spring, Oriental poppies (Papaver orientale, Zones 3–7) go completely dormant and vanish once summer sets in. These, however, have been planted with enough companions that the space they leave behind will be quickly covered and filled in.

Peace rose
And one last shot of an incredible rose, which looks like it might be the famous variety ‘Peace’, proving as irresistible to an insect visitor as it is to humans.


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View 9 comments


  1. Rebeccazone7 05/27/2021

    OK so I'm totally jealous. These roses are gorgeous, and while mine are blooming, I am battling the infamous white spots on the leaves. Even the garsh darn ones in pots....ergh Nothing seems to be working.

  2. ClareRocky 05/27/2021

    These roses are fabulous! I especially love the second one with the different pastel colors. And that rhododendron!!!

  3. Cenepk10 05/27/2021

    So beautiful. A feast for the eyes first thing in the morning! I thank you for sharing. Roses are good for the soul.

  4. User avater
    treasuresmom 05/27/2021

    Roses are beautiful.

  5. wittyone 05/27/2021

    These roses are just scrumptious. Love them. They look so happy and healthy.

  6. User avater
    simplesue 05/27/2021

    Ahhhh those Lupines WOW! Gorgeous!

  7. alicefleurkens 05/27/2021

    Lovely roses. I never seem to have any luck with them. Right now Asian beetles want to devour them year after year

  8. btucker9675 05/27/2021

    Wish we had Smell-o-vision for those stunning roses, and I love those lupines! Thanks so sharing.

  9. carolineyoungwilliams 09/02/2021

    Angeln, your Roses are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden.

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