The Dirt

Catalog Review: Thompson and Morgan Seeds

I’ve never been to England, so I only have vague ideas about English gardens. But leafing through the pages of Thompson & Morgan makes me feel like I’m just a bit closer than an ocean away. T&M has been around since 1855. That’s right, I said 1855. Americans can’t even begin to touch that, however awesome we American gardeners have become.

Luckily for us, T&M has an American division, and their selection is just different enough from everyone else’s that it’s fun even to just leaf through and see what wild colors those

  Thompson & Morgan
220 Faraday Ave.
Jackson, NJ 08527

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crazy Brits have come up with this year. For instance, check out this awesome new cosmos. Um, I’ll take that.

T&M sells both flower and vegetable seeds, as well as an amazing variety of gardening supplies, including this watering can I think I may not be able to live without.

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  1. theseedlady 01/18/2012

    can you tell us something about the quality of the seed, the germination rates, customer service, pricing, etc? These are things what gardeners want to know.

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