Garden Photo of the Day

Cathy’s Colorado Garden

Inspired by English-style gardening

flowers surrounding the pathway

Today’s photos are from Cathy Hollis in Englewood, Colorado.

When my husband and I moved to this home in the suburbs of Denver 10 years ago, the landscaping was almost entirely grass. We envisioned a Colorado version of an English border garden (my husband is from England). We wanted to create a garden that is beautiful and colorful for all seasons while being more water-wise. The backyard borders open space and a small farm, with views of the mountains as a bonus feature. The spring garden showcases a variety of tulips that accent a background of Euphorbia polychroma (Zones 5–9). We have many varieties of roses, including Morden Centennial Canadian rose bush, Knock Out roses, Flower Carpet ground cover roses, and tea roses. Perennial favorites such as Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ (Zones 3–8), Salvia ‘May Night’ (Zones 4–9), Heliopsis (Zones 3–9), PowWow Wild Berry coneflower (Echinacea hybrid, Zones 3–8), Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (Zones 5–8), and Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ (Zones 3–9) keep the garden colorful all season.

Hocus Pocus’ tulips against a backdrop of Euphorbia polychroma, and a large rock fountain
Late-flowering ‘Hocus Pocus’ tulips (Tulipa ‘Hocus Pocus’, Zones 3–8) stand tall against a backdrop of Euphorbia polychroma and a large rock fountain loved by the birds.

Lily flowering Mariette tulips and Royal Raindrops crabapple
Lily-flowering Mariette tulips and ‘Royal Raindrops’ crabapple (Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’, Zones 4–8) anchor the background, with more Euphorbia in the foreground.

Morden Centennial Canadian rose bushes by the lamp post.
Morden Centennial Canadian rose bushes surround the lamp post.

climbing roses William Baffin and blue flowering ground cover Veronica ‘Trehane’
In the backyard are climbing roses ‘William Baffin’ and blue flowering ground cover Veronica ‘Trehane’ (Zones 4–8).

Back garden path filled with bushes and flowers
The back garden path to the pergola includes tall yellow Eremurus bungei (Zones 4–8) on the left, with various shrub and tea roses adding color. The chartreuse Veronica ‘Trehane’ lies in front of the Montgomery spruce (Picea pungens ‘Montgomery’, Zones 3–7).

Courtyard garden off the patio
In the courtyard garden off the patio, the contrast in plant texture is a focus.

View of the back yard from patio, with compact Sherwood pine
In this view of the backyard from the patio, a compact Sherwood pine (Pinus mugo ‘Sherwood’, Zones 2–7) is visible in the foreground.

Side yard and path bordered by lavender Hidcote, with smokebush, Heliopsis ‘Summer Sun’, and delphiniums.
The side yard path is bordered by Hidcote lavender (Lavandula ‘Hidcote’, Zones 4–10), with smokebush (Cotinus coggygria, Zones 4–8), Heliopsis ‘Summer Sun’ (Zones 3–8), and delphiniums (Delphinium elatum, Zones 3–7).

Back garden with Seven Sons Tree and flowers of a Bartzella peony
A seven sons tree (Heptacodium miconioides, Zones 5 –9) provides an accent to the backyard garden. Perennials include the showy flowers of a ‘Bartzella’ peony (Paeonia ‘Bartzella’, Zones 4–9) in the back on the right side.

Courtyard garden, viewed from above, featuring blue spruce shrubs ‘Montgomery’ and ‘St. Mary’s Broom’, along with various ground covers.
The courtyard garden features blue spruce (Picea pungens, Zones 3–7) shrubs ‘Montgomery’ and ‘St. Mary’s Broom’, along with various ground covers.

View 16 comments


  1. sandyprowse 02/03/2022

    It doesn’t get much nicer than this. What a wonderful garden you have created. A paradise. Well done.

  2. garden1953 02/03/2022

    Stunning gardens! Thanks for sharing on this very cold day!

  3. PattyLouise 02/03/2022

    Beautiful gardens! Love the background view in the firepit photo! Enjoy!

  4. User avater
    musabasjoosue 02/03/2022

    What a lovely garden space! The conifers add so much structure. Bravo!

  5. User avater
    user-7007816 02/03/2022

    You have been busy. Beautiful!

  6. User avater
    cynthia2020 02/03/2022

    Cathy - the globe blue spruce in the courtyard garden really caught my eye - plus the various groups of tulips, the purple flowering plants, and the stone fountain. Thank you for sharing!

  7. User avater
    treasuresmom 02/03/2022

    Love all the colors and textures but especially love the spruce. I can't grow it in my zone but always enjoy seeing pics of those of you who can.

  8. User avater
    simplesue 02/03/2022

    Your garden is huge and perfect! What an amazing accomplishment!
    You sure are good weeders, not one in sight!
    Beautiful places to explore and sit everywhere- I could walk around there for hours looking at all the plants and paths.
    I'm not sure I've ever seen a "tall yellow Eremurus bungei," before but I know yours is a beautiful specimen, it's like garden sculpture!
    And how nice the way the garden connects to your pretty home, it sits so nicely in amongst the plants.

  9. rosebudal 02/03/2022

    You’ve achieved your goal of an English-style garden, yet I think you have enough structure to carry you after the spring flowers fade. Bravo.

  10. btucker9675 02/03/2022

    Wow - your garden is a knock-out and compliments your lovely home perfectly. Beautiful!

  11. fromvirginia 02/03/2022

    Lovely, especially the side garden with the curving path. I love the variety of plant material.

  12. wildthyme 02/03/2022

    Beautiful, and beautifully photographed! I'm curious about the euphorbia. What is it like when it's not in bloom?

    1. cphol 03/03/2022

      Sorry for my late reply about the Euphorbia Polychroma, from Cathy's Garden in Colorado. I am new to GPOD.
      The Euphorbia is a great ground cover after blooming yellow. Very pretty leaves. I don't know your location, but they grow well in Denver area and also in the mountains....and spread!
      Easy to transplant to different areas of the garden. Early flower for bees to feast on, and just nice to have early color in the garden.

  13. sumhillgardener 02/03/2022

    I'm delighted I get to see this gorgeous garden every August when in full bloom ~~~~ and mine is fading a bit in East Coast humidity. It is even more beautiful in person.

    1. cphol 03/03/2022

      I'm sorry that you weren't listed as my inspiration, dear sister. Thanks for all your support and advice over the years! xoxo

  14. User avater
    vanhatalosuomi 02/08/2022

    Thank you for sharing your garden. Enjoyed the views, well done!

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