Garden Photo of the Day

Close-up Views in Mary’s Garden

Looking closely at favorite flowers


Today we’re enjoying some photos from Mary Murphy.

A few years ago I sent you pictures of my garden and ice lanterns. Today’s photos are all close-ups. Look for some surprise visitors! There are a couple of tree frogs in some of the photos. I live in Minnetonka, Minnesota, and have been gardening for about fifteen years. I just love it, and I try new plants from seed every year. I also can’t resist some beautiful nursery gems.

Breadseed poppy plantBreadseed poppy (Papaver somniferum, annual). This plant is indeed the source of the poppy seeds in your poppy seed muffin, but the flowers are pretty stunning as well. They come in a wide range of colors, ranging from dark reds and purples to soft pink like this and onto white.

blue delphiniumDelphinium elatum (Zones 3–8) is famous for its blue flowers and its love of cool weather.

MirabilisFour o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa, Zones 7–11 or as an annual) has flower buds ready to pop open in, as the name suggests, the late afternoon.

Soft pink hollyhockSoft pink hollyhock (Alcea rosea, Zones 3–8) is a classic cottage-garden flower usually grow as a biennial. It produces just leaves the first year, then huge spires of these incredible flowers the second year. As you can see, the bees are big fans as well.

sunflowerA sunflower (Helianthus annuus, annual) bud gets ready to open, although it already looks incredible.

LarkspurLarkspur (Consolida ajacis, annual) look a lot like delphiniums but are quick-growing annuals rather than perennials.

Lily ‘Rosella’s Dream’ opening up‘Rosella’s Dream’ lily (Lilium ‘Rosella’s Dream’, Zones 3–8) opens incredible pink blooms with contrasting dark stamens.

A little tree frog hangs out on a rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta, Zones 3–7).

SundropsSundrops (Oenothera, Zones 3–8) with cheery yellow flowers

vivid daylilyAnother tree frog is nestled down in this vivid daylily (Hemerocallis hybrid, Zones 3–10).

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  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 02/17/2022

    That poppy is so very pretty.

  2. raleighgardener 02/17/2022

    Love your closeup photos!

  3. User avater
    JanetInCwood 02/17/2022

    Just lovely to see the closeups. Little frog too. Love the sunflower can imagine when in bloom plus pink hollyhocks! I’ll look out for them. Thank you.

  4. User avater
    simplesue 02/17/2022

    I've never thought about the kind of poppy seeds used on baked goods! I've learned something new!
    Your Breadseed poppy (Papaver somniferum is spectacular!
    I just scoured the internet looking for one as pretty as yours and there are none to be had...well that's what Pinterest is good for LOL- I'll be saving your photo for sure, and also your Hollyhock -oh that is just the kind of Hollyhock I've been looking for- nice clear pink! Do you have a name for it?
    I wish I was your neighbor, I'd be begging for some seeds!
    And of course your great little frog photo- what a lucky photo that was to get!

  5. btucker9675 02/17/2022

    Everything is so lovely - no wonder the tree frogs hang out in your flowers! That breadseed poppy is unbelievably beautiful, almost doesn't look real. Thanks for sharing all of this with us.

  6. murphymk1 02/22/2022

    Hi all,
    Thanks for the lovely comments. I purchased the breadseed poppy seeds from the Floret Farms website. They are beautiful but are so fragile, many fell apart as I was cutting to bring inside.

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