Garden Photo of the Day

Criss’s Ohio Garden

Eating, sleeping, and breathing gardening

shaded garden with two chairs looking out towards a sunny garden space beyond

Today’s photos are from Criss in northeastern Ohio.

I have 2½ acres with an old house and outbuildings. I have two separate yards east and west, and they are separated by a driveway. A woman that lived here in the 1940s loved to garden, so I have many plants that she put in that are still thriving, including some old roses.

I do a lot of hardscaping. I love stone and old brick and have fenced-in gardens. I’m addicted to gardening. I eat sleep and breathe it.

View of a path leading into a lawn surrounded by flowering shrubsMossed bricks lead into a patch of lawn surrounded by a diverse collection of shrubs, which create a beautifully private space.

shaded garden with two chairs looking out towards a sunny garden space beyondThis is a magical image. Against a backdrop of diverse greens, blue hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla, Zones 5–9) and orange daylilies (Hemerocallis fulva, Zones 3–9) bloom.

a small greenhouse surrounded by a gardenThe doors on this little greenhouse are flanked by two dwarf spruce standards (perhaps Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’, Zones 3–7). Silvery lambs’ ears (Stachys byzantina, Zones 4–8) in the front, and cheery black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia fulgida, Zones 4–8) and coneflowers (Echinacea hybrids, Zones 5–9) are flowering around the greenhouse.

A tan, silky-haired dog sitting in a gardenCriss’s rescue dog, Lakota, enjoys the flowery bounty of the garden. That’s one lucky dog!

A small stone statue of a man behind a shaded gardenIn the shade, a statue sits behind a tapestry of color created mostly by foliage. Lamium (Lamium maculatum, Zones 4–8) with small silver leaves is studded with a hosta (Hosta hybrid, Zones 4–9), the silver-spotted leaves of a pulmonaria (Pulmonaria hybrid, Zones 4–9), and the silvery fronds of a Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum var. pictum, Zones 3–8).


Have a garden you’d like to share?

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  1. wittyone 03/15/2021

    Oh, I love this garden. It looks so cozy and relaxed, not primped to death like so many.

  2. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/15/2021

    You are so lucky to have this home & things that have survived for so long. All is so very lovely.

  3. garden1953 03/15/2021

    Beautiful. Love your garden!

  4. sagebird52 03/15/2021

    Lovely, rambling, relaxed and charming- absolutely a retreat from tension

  5. User avater
    user-7007816 03/15/2021

    What a beautiful, lush, and relaxed space you have created.

  6. alicefleurkens 03/15/2021

    The lady that used to live there would appreciate that you loved the gardens too. My mind is wandering to what I Will plant this year. Never enough space. Very Nice blue hydreangeas and great gardens

  7. gardendevas 03/15/2021

    What lush and splendid gardens!
    I am in northeast Ohio also - would love to see in person some day.

  8. moyra_b 03/15/2021

    What a beautiful place you have created, such a treat to see!

  9. btucker9675 03/15/2021

    No doubting that garden fairies and gnomes live in that little greenhouse! This is a wonderful garden and I hope the person you purchased the home from knows what a beautiful job you've done both honoring her garden and adding to it.

  10. User avater
    simplesue 03/15/2021

    Oh yeah exactly what "sagebird52"! And to carry on with gardening on this property and have some plants remaining from a 1940' garden is so cool.
    And all those trees around and in the garden are fabulous...some gardeners don't know what an asset trees are to the atmosphere they create in a garden.
    You've done a great job with this garden!

  11. User avater
    bdowen 03/15/2021

    Love the orange dallies and blue hydrangea combination. What a lovely garden, what a lot of work!

  12. [email protected] 03/15/2021

    Love, love, love your garden! The colors are just perfect!

  13. [email protected] 03/15/2021

    More, please. I would love to see more of this sweet garden!

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