Today’s photos are from David Karst in Colorado. He says, “Attached are late summer photos of my Colorado yard. I’ve lived here for 20+ years but I have just gotten serious about landscape design in the last few years. The lot is 1/3 acre and located on a cult-e-sac and also backs to a horse pasture, so I had the structure to do several unique designs.

“While not a professional I read a lot of landscape books and magazines and borrow ideas from nature to make plans, and then work with the space and add hardscape and plants until it feels right. I’ve done all the work myself so getting things done is subject to the time I can devote to it, but have spent most of my downtime the last few years working on it.

“Living in the foothills of the Rockies we have an excellent selection of rock, which I’ve utilized to do patios, paths, water features and rock sculptures. We have lots of pots designed by my wife which in the pictures are a little past their peak for flowering but still have great foliage. Still more to do in the master plan but I’m enjoying the journey and the result to date.”

****Today’s photos are of Dave’s rock garden along his road and driveway, along with his driveway containers. Tomorrow we’ll be featuring another bed with a grand water feature. Stay tuned!****

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You should be very proud of all your homework and hard work, David. Your front yard is unique. I like the wide gravel edging along the driveway. It makes alot of sense for displaying your wife's beautiful pots and allows visitors additional room when getting in and out of their cars and the contrasting color and texture is nice.
The last photo with the huge upright boulder and the upright rock edging is stunning! My husband hates to spend money "buying a rock" but I got 3 last summer for my birthday, the largest was 1 ton! You are soooo lucky to have them right out your back door!
Keep up the good work.
Some very interesting landscaping concepts. I like that last photo.
You can tell a lot of hard work and love have gone into your design. Your wife's plantings soften the overall look and each one is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's pictures.
I really like the extra flare you put in the stone pathway in the first picture...gives it aesthetic appeal as well as functionality. You look like you are making wise choices in plant material with attention being paid to those with more modest watering needs. Your wife's pots look great and make wonderful exclamation points of color to highlight all the natural stone. Definitely looking forward to tomorrow's part 2!
very nice.. you and your wife have created a unique garden... looking forward to seeing the back garden tomorrow... the rock sculpture in the last photo is stunning... Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
I always enjoy hearing about and seeing the results of the teamwork and collaboration between husband and wife. The pots look beautiful with their overflowing cascades and the large boulders add a dramatic element to your design. Consider sending in photos a year from now so we can see how your garden has matured. (I used to live at 9000 ft in Conifer CO, so I appreciate the difficulties of high altitude gardening in that dry, arid state!)
As a devotee of crowded, cottage type plantings I have to admit that I really like your plantings. They are so calm, basic and compatible with the local environment. I'm especially impressed by the huge boulder in the last picture and the irregular border around it. How much does that baby weigh and how long did you dither about where to place it before starting on that bed?
I really enjoyed your pictures and especially the use of your native rock in your landscapes...and the plantings look great, I too would like to see these pictures in a year or so, when the plantings are mature.
David, you and your wife make a great team. I bet you both are looking forward to a bit of rest and reading over the next few months!
Hey David, as a fellow Colorado resident(Co Springs)I am trying to figure out where you are.... We use many of the same plants, especially the festuca grasses & nepeta 'Walker's Low'. I often wish pennisetum 'rubra' would overwinter here - we share the same affinity for growing these in pots - they almost always look stunning, as does yours. You've danced around a xeric garden yet added much softer plantings - looks great! Your rockwork is excellent and so complimentary to the overall design. Yes, as Sheila says, it's about time for us to rest and dream of next year's designs!
trashywoman62 - are those asters in your ID photo? Brings back memories - wish I had enough sun to grow them again.....sigh..
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