Garden Photo of the Day

“Driftwood” and grasses

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Photo/Illustration: Danielle Sherry

This is Barbara Weirich’s Benton Harbor, Michigan, fall garden, where she took advantage of a fallen tree branch to create a beachy atmosphere with flowing grasses.

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View 3 comments


  1. Oksana_in_SC 05/28/2010

    That is SOOOOO picturesque!!! Looks like a big old snake crawling out there in the grasses... Great pic!

  2. jaqui 06/10/2010

    oops that piece of driftwood looks like a giant snake, me no like snakes...ok if you like it...sorry

  3. SonnyRay 09/30/2010

    It's a beautiful blend; and presents a great transition to the beach! Nicely done! SonnyRay Tavenner

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