Jeff Calton's day starts early with a bit of morning gardening. The early bird certainly does catch the worm it appears!
"Out early as it will be another scorcher later today. The yard/garden is filling in and now it's Annabelle hydrangea season and I have quite a few. They are all Incrediball hygdrangeas but this year's don't look so much different from regular Annabelle's. Lots of color abounds and I'm not sure if I achieved the goal of full color or created a flashback of some sort of bad trip."
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Hubba-hubba - Everything's coming along - beautiful! Love your garden and all your garden ideas. ♥♥♥
so,,,,,,,,,when are you and the family coming to Tennessee?!?!? :)
Thanks, Diane. I do constantly add new things and have a largeish new bed going in week after next since I don't have any stuff in the yard! I'm just glad I don't really have a weed problem or else I would NEVER keep it in shape. weeding before anything goes to seed is the key
Lovely design, structure, colour and decoration of your garden, Jeff. Do you have to keep the water up to the hydrangeas and other plants under the trees?
thanks, Frank, I do water the Annabelle's if it's HOT and dry as it is right now when they are in flower just to not waste a season's work on their part. after that they are on their own. I don't water any of the beds much and the western border gets nothing other than what falls from the sky. I do water those containers a lot though but it's still easier to keep a pot moist and thriving rather than the entire property
Jeff: Love seeing your garden again. The dry garden is awesome. Love the liberal use of containers which create different elevations and vignettes within the bed. The Picea pungens makes such a visual statement in the second photo. Gorgeous. The slab garden is just so cool. Is that the same one you showed us a couple of posts ago, that you just put together this spring, or is this another? I couldn't tell.
Love the Manfreda(s). Maybe Tim can talk you into getting 5 or 7 more, and you can create a drift.
The succulent saucer is also so beautiful. The small colored balls in the design work so well.
Great garden. Love seeing it regularly.
thanks, Kevin. I always perk up when your garden is featured as well. Although a lot of days are insane and I just get to look and not comment. the hurrier I go......................
I don't know. I am an advocate of Stephanie Cohen's adage: Groups of one, drifts of two. That is, of course, unless you have the Tennessee estate that Jeff has!
Ha. I bring things home thinking I'll "try them out." If they are happy, then I'll add more. Of course what happens is that, during the trial period, I fill the space around the one with new ones that I'm "trying out." If I'm lucky I make it to that "drifts of two" phase. Sigh.
Me, too. Very rarely I will buy multiples of something if I really, really love it and want to try it out in the yard. I'll have to think hard, but probably the only things I've planted in drifts of two or masses of three is when I grow plants from seeds!
I know what you mean. With space tight, and so many cool plants, it is hard to plant in drifts. Your reference to Stephanie Cohen made me smile. Did you ever hear her speak in person? I did about 5 years ago. She is so funny. Definitely has her own style and doesn't care what others think.
I've only read her plant portraits and articles, but I know I'd love her in person! Very cool that you saw here speak. Have a great weekend!
I love every morning (noon, or evening) walkabout that you give us a chance to share. I do believe in one of the pictures midway through, I saw off to the side some leaves from your tricolor beech which we all lust for...ha, see how trained you have me! What your success story with that spectacular dahlia? Do you lift the tubers to over winter indoors, leave it in place and hope for the best or start anew each spring? Gotta' lotta love going on for that moss slab ...what a brilliant idea and execution...it's so cool.
Mike, the past week or so of intense heat made some of the beech leaves a little crispy! The dahlias are in their first season. I picked up 3 bags of tubers at Walmart! potted them up to start them off and now they are really throwing color. I wasn't expecting flowers until august and they are very sturdy and do not need the stakes I so carefully placed earlier. Oh, I know you are a daylily lover and I got a new variety this year,,,,,,,,,,Primal Scream and it is wonderful. the flowers are 7 to 8 inches across and the most delicious mix of orange and cantaloupe makes you want some whipped cream to go with it
Interesting, my dahlias are also blooming rather early this season. Kinda surprised, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Ha, oh, of course, you had to buy "Primal Scream'...what an awesome name to celebrate those moments of gardening insanity. Blame it on the 'Primal Scream'! I should be braver about trying dahlias. I'm not interested in monstrous sized flowered ones that definitely need staking but yours looks and sounds perfect.
Come on, Michaele. Don't hate on the Dahlias for their shortcoming. Just as we can't stand the literal & explicit trait of a one day bloom on a daylily...but we still can't help but love 'em! Haha.
I keep waiting for one of the hybridizers to find the holy grail of a mutation where a daylily bloom lasts for a week!
I am completely on board with you for that campaign. And while they're at it, maybe they can also make the dahlias sturdier.
Ha, yes, aren't we just full of great ideas! Between all of us, the list of dreamed for improvements would be pretty long.
Keeping it fresh, Jeff. Always a treat to see what you have going on in that amazing garden of yours. Impressive driveway bed. Just an amazing mix of specimens, and that's my kind of garden. That dry garden is totally wetting my appetite for injecting some more such plants into my own design. And you got me with that Dahlia...I'm a sucker for those blooms. Thanks for sharing, good man.
thanks! things are jumping in the yarden despite this oppressive heat. seems I am the only life form that is wilting in the afternoons
I know, hydrangeas, I know but I am in LOVE with your moss slab! What a cool idea. The succulent flying saucer, too. Also, love what you've done in your dry garden - the weaving of plants - love that "tapestry" feel and look. Not a bad flashback at all!
the simplicity of the moss slab speaks to me as well. I usually just cram as many things as I can in a given area and the moss gives me a reason to slow down
Omygoodness.... I've gotta go see this on the big screen.... Good Lawd, Jeff !!!!!
Jeff- Is that a pin oak you've underplanted Annabelle's ? Love the meticulousness of your gorgeous garden. I can see your personality popping all over. Dry garden is amazing. I want an aerial shot of that patio garden !!!!
that is an American elm . since you asked I started thinking and I don't have a single oak on the property. we pretty much live on the patio all summer and all meals are taken there,,,,,,,,,,,best seat in the house
I love it all, fabulous. Such variety of color and textures. Thanks for sharing!
Looks great, Jeff. New driveway bed is looking good and love the dry garden with all the agaves. I'm inspired by your flying saucer. I knew there was a reason to keep my broken bird bath fountain!
that flying saucer is actually the upturned screen/cover from an old firepit. works very well for succulents. the dry garden is fun except for the Oxalis that keeps popping up. I have to wear safety glasses when weeding that area but that still leaves the rest of my body open to injury from those plants
Well, I'm definitely tripping and I blame you, while happily taking the fall for anyone buying a new plant or three! The Manfredas look great. Still no sign of a new crown at the bottom of my bloom Chocoloate Chips' bloom spike. Uploaded a photo here, in case anyone wants to see what the alien bloom-spike looks like from that under-the-sea-creature Chocolate Chips.
So the Agave in the background-right of photo 3: hardy in the ground for you? J.C. Raulston? I had some A. havardiana pups survive outside over the mild winter. Love your Sarracenia peeking out in that photo, too. Thanks for including some larger views that I don't think I've seen here before. Pretty spectabulous.
The moss slab planting is pretty darn cool. I think it just barely edges out your succulent slab in my heart; barely.
Is that a yellow/cream-color juniper in front of the dry garden? Love the brightly colored tentacle pots in the background.
Aw, heck. I love it all. Some day I'll head south to see you and Michaele, but not when it's 100°........
Oh, this is a must have!!!
It's pretty cool. Supposedly zone 8. I'm zone 6, but it was probably a zone 7 winter last year. Open garden, minimal protection. Here is a photo from last year that inspired Jeff.
Absolutely fascinating and other worldly...love it, love it!
head to Tennessee anytime, welcome mat is always out and I think I speak for Mike too! and that juniper is Gold Strike, I like it much better than Mother Lode
Absolutely, Jeff. I'd love to be part of a garden tour caravan through TN from our fellow gpod-ers from other places.
Wowza. Where to start? I've looked over every photograph three times now and still see new and wondrous things. What a fascinating experience you've pulled together, Jeff (it's like a flowerland-Disneyland). Your driveway garden is stunning and looks much more mature and lush than only a single season.... Beautiful design. The dry garden is worthy of a botanic gardens display and oh, that moss slab. Seems like every time I see your photos I run outside to see what I can do to emulate your ideas. Happily, you always influence my gardening day
starting a new bed in 2 weeks as well as 2 more slab gardens . I will be the helper on the new bed, I'm turning that area over to Dillon to do whatever he wants . I'm anxious to see what he comes up with
Sounds like another GPOD post!
So much texture! So many gorgeous foliage plants! who needs blooms when you have foliage like that! That group of hydrangea is stunning! I have one Incrediball but need to get more
I can't really tell Incrediball from regular Annabelle except they seem to have more sturdy stems so they don't fall over in a rain. they always seem to flower during a heat wave and green/white combos always give me a cooling effect
Jeff, as always, my pulse quickens when I realize that it's your garden that we'll be seeing. You pack so many interesting plants and structures into your beds that I have to revisit each photo numerous times to see if I've missed anything cool that I can't live without. Those Sarracenia are a bright spot in the west island bed and being a hydrangea lover, your Annabelles are a great display. I used to admire a stand of Annabelles under large trees on my way to work but never had the right setting to pull it off. Like yours, our dahlias are flowering way ahead of usual and our winter was mild but we're not having very warm temps ( 50's, 60's) now so it's a mystery. Happy gardening!
Linda, the Sarracenia are probably my favorite plant in the entire garden. they are just so darn cool in every season
Wonderful variety. My favorite is the wide shot of the backyard! The manfreda is a new one to me.
those Manfreda are the weirdest plant . new to me as well until tim had a pic of his last year
Jeff, your garden is gorgeous. I always enjoy your posts. And your comments. That dahlia is beautiful - my favorite of the various flower shapes and a gorgeous color blend. You use the colored balls so skillfully - they really add to the picture. Love the flying saucer and the moss slab and ... love it all!
thanks, Shirley, I mis labeled the dahlia,,,,it is American Dawn I must have been thinking about roses when I labeled the photo
What fun and creativity Jeff! Beautiful settings and colors! Love every picture! Thanks for sharing!
The huge old, big mature trees caught my eyes in your backyard photo. They look so majestic especially the pics of their trunks. What are they??? Did you save them from being cut down or where you responsible for planting them?? I have some older pine trees here in the PNW. Your huge lawn area also adds to that majestic look. They are great as your foundation for your beautiful, creative garden styles. Every thing looks so well hydrated in your heated zone!
Those trees were in place when we bought the house 25 years ago and they are American elms with NO trace of dutch elm disease. I am old but old enough to have planted them! if they die I might just have to move. yes, it's hot but we normally have ample rainfall. not always but normally
Your garden is so beautiful Jeff, I couldn't keep my eyes off those yummy photos, there is so much to learn in each one of them, thanks again for sharing them!
thanks, Cindy, I am fortunate to have near perfect soil and lots of rain. things pretty much grow on their own
Beautiful! Well balanced and properly color-coordinated. I also like the way you use elevation. BTW, in the second picture I see some sort of blue spruce- what variety is it? Cheers...
Kiri, that would be Picea pungens 'Thume',,,,,,,it was grafted on a 24" standard . I got it from an old nurseryman friend in north Carolina and it is now over 50 years old
All those trees! I love trees and you have some beauties. When doing my garden ramble this morning I looked at a small pile of rocks and wondered how to use them my second thought was "I'll be Tim and Jeff wouldn't have any problem!"
Your garden is truly wonderful, your imagination unbounded and your very whimsical sense of fun makes a visit thru your pictures an experience which must be enjoyed many times.
Congratulations - you did it again!
thanks so much, Eddi, and you are right......I can always always use rocks. I am lucky to have a place with existing mature trees so I didn't have to wait for them to grow
I have same garden in new York but you have to focus on Moringa leaves because someone selling them at Moringa Powder that is good Idea to ship Moringa leaf and moringa Capsules in Pakistan via airlines.
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