Garden Photo of the Day

Echoes and complements

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Photo/Illustration: Todd Meier

The pointy petals of sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) reinforce the angularity of the spiky foliage of an African blue lily (Agapanthus ‘Storm Cloud’) and the radiating leaf lines of a sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Gumball’). These purple flowers perform double design duty, also serving as a color complement to the yellow blooms of Euphorbia palustris ‘Zauberflöte’. Kerry Becker designed this combination for the perennial border at the Bellevue Botanical Garden in Seattle, Washington.

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  1. lynnferda 12/31/2010

    What a great combination of colors and shapes! This really works for me.

  2. sheilaschultz 12/31/2010

    Here's to beautiful and unusual combinations in our gardens for 2011... I'm hoping for beautiful colors, just enough rain and not too many pests to all of my gardening friends. Happy New Year! (And, no hail for my CO gardening friends.)

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