Garden Photo of the Day

Eleasia and Mitchell’s garden in Antigua

Panoramic view of Runaway Beach
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

I think we’re starting to rely on Joy Farrell to help us get through this dark and dreary winter! Every week she’s sent photos of another gorgeous garden on the island of Antigua. Today’s is another stunner, and this time with a photo of the view!

Coleus under tree. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

Joy says, “Two of my friends Eleasia and Mitchell Hill have one of the most charming and elegant gardens on island. One of the features of the garden is the coleus in all different color combinations.  Eleasia has used them to create interest around the bottom of a tree, in bold terracota pots, and as border plants along the outside perimeter of the back garden.  She has coupled the coleus with other plants, like the pony tail palm which is sandwiched by a potted bougainvillea and coleus.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“There are dramatic clusters throughout her garden; clever combinations of plant choices, illustrated here with the Acalypha hispida (cats tails), variegated rubber plant and bougainvillea.  She has also paid great attention to detail, white stone edgings add to the artistry of the garden.  She has also used plants cleverly to create quiet and welcoming seating areas.

Ponytail palm, bougainvillea, and coleus. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“The back garden has been created on an incline, which always makes planting a little more difficult. The back garden is entered through side steps, which have a lot of visual interest around them, but the real piece de resistance is the incredible panoramic backdrop, a stunning view of Runaway Beach and the surrounding area.

Coleus. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“Interspersed throughout the garden are a collection of palm trees and tree ferns.  She has several large established trees like Flambouyance and Accacia which add liberal doses of interest and shade to the garden.  The garden is quite young–just over 4 years old.

Anthurium. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“If any of you are planning to visit Antigua, I do a Gardens of Antigua Tour; bookings can be made through Carib World Travel (268) 480 2999.”

Oh, so tempting, Joy…. Thanks for this latest shot of tropical wonderfulness!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Visual interest at stairs. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Anthurium crystallinum. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Wandering Jew. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

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  1. tractor1 01/09/2013

    A very nice display of tropical landscape.

  2. KVgarden 01/09/2013

    Thanks again Joy! Beautiful photos of a dreamy garden.I loved that small collection of broken pots tucked next to the plants alongside the concrete steps.

  3. pattyspencer 01/09/2013

    I love looking at all the plants that are obviously "outdoor" plants where you live that here are "indoor" plants (and really small plants here too) Love the coleus planting.

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/09/2013

    These pictures certainly answer the question "Can there be too much coleus throughout a garden?" As a matter of fact, "NO!" It goes with everything and looks great. It's like a fun, exciting party when a bunch of different colors and varieties are used together like around the base of the tree and it's wonderful in the stretch where just the one color lines the stairway.
    Thank you, Joy, for sharing your friends' garden with us.

  5. NevadaSue 01/09/2013

    Joy, Thank you for sharing this beautiful garden, oh how it brings back memories of the lush garden I had when living in Africa. We grew many of the same plants I see here in these photos. The Coleus is wonderful and I love the Anthurium. I can't remember the names of many I see here but what a feast for the eyes. Makes me want to hop on a plane today. :) Thank you! :)

  6. sheila_schultz 01/09/2013

    Tropical's when used in containers and the landscape bring warmth to a design, they certainly change the mood. Add color from the ever growing list of amazing coleus to choose from and you've got a whole lot of interest. Thanks for all the inspiration Joy!

  7. MoonSoul 01/10/2013

    Haven't posted in a while.....but I totally love your beautiful Garden....thanks so much for sharing your ideas! If you don't mind...I'm gonna copy some.......:)

    Very Beautiful girls!! Thanks!!

  8. CaricomzGardeningHag 01/13/2013

    Another Antiguan?! :D Lovely garden.

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