Garden Photo of the Day

Fall in Rhonda’s Garden

Flowers from the end of the season

close up of pink Japanese anemones above variegated grass

We’re off to Pennsylvania today to enjoy fall in Rhonda Molin’s garden.

close up of pink Japanese anemones above variegated grass
Japanese anemones (Anemone hupehensis, Zones 4–8) are such stars of the fall garden with their abundant flowers. And it’s nice to have pink tones at a time of year when yellows and oranges often dominate.

close up of fall container planting with orange flowers and white pumpkin
A fall planter Rhonda created—she hopes Cherry Ong, GPOD’s resident queen of using pumpkins in fall displays, will approve! The orange celosia (Celosia argentea, annual) looks amazing in the back.

yellow witch hazel flowers above hostas
Fall-blooming witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana, Zones 3–9) is native around much of eastern North America, with the delicate gold flowers usually showing up just as the leaves drop for a beautiful display before winter.

dark fall foliage around spires of white flowers
Actea (Actea simplex, Zones 4–8) is a native perennial with several beautiful selections boasting dramatic dark foliage. The tall spires of white flowers come at the end of summer and add wonderful fragrance.

close up of various variegated hostas
This selection of hostas still looks perfect. They’ll switch to a gorgeous yellow fall color before vanishing underground for the winter.

close up of plant with curly, variegated foliage and orange berries
Italian arum (Arum italicum, Zones 5–9) is a great plant for shade. It goes dormant during the summer, but then the leaves return in the fall, along with these showy orange berries. And the leaves stay green all winter, providing great interest for the cold months of the year.

plants with small pink flowers and dark foliage
Turtlehead (Chelone obliqua, Zones 5–9) is a great native perennial for sun to partial shade with cute little pink flowers from late summer into fall.

twisting limbs of Japanese maple
The twisting branches and delicate leaves of this spectacular Japanese maple (Acer palmatum, Zones 5–9) make a magical shady spot where Rhonda’s grandson likes to play.

close up of small pink flowers amongst other low-growing plants
Colchicum (Colchicum ‘Waterlily’, Zones 4–7) bursts into dramatic lavender blooms in the fall. The leaves come up in the spring, then go dormant all summer before showing up again as if out of nowhere.


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View 8 comments


  1. User avater
    user-7007816 10/09/2023

    A treat to see these late bloomers. Thank you.

  2. 10/09/2023

    Love the arum and colchine plants, new to me, very interesting...will need to get some!
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. User avater
    simplesue 10/09/2023

    I was surprised to learn about Fall-blooming witch hazel- what a nice surprise to get flowers after the leaves fall off!
    Also your Japanese Maple is so gorgeous with the twisting old branches.
    You have so many unusual and interesting plants- so pretty!

  4. nicki_s 10/09/2023

    Thanks for sharing, Rhonda! I’m definitely going to try Japanese anemones.

  5. bunny2luv 10/09/2023

    What a beautiful garden! And your orange celosia looks more pumpkin-ish than the actual cream-colored pumpkin! I do love the Japanese anemones. My garden is too drought prone for them, but I admire them in your garden.

  6. jos29803 10/09/2023

    Great Fall garden!!! The orange celosia is a splendid stand out!!!!

  7. btucker9675 10/09/2023

    Every photo was a WOW!! Those anemones, your lovely pumpkin container display - you have created a magical garden and I thank you for sharing it.

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/09/2023

    Love your Japanese Maple.

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