Garden Photo of the Day

Gardens in Guatemala

Chichi steps
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten

The last time we heard from Cheryl Weeks-Rosten, she shared Dahlia Hill in Midland, Michigan with us (refresh your memory HERE.) Today she’s shring another treat–photos she’s taken of garden color during her visits to Guatemala.

Hotel on Lake Atitlan. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten

Cheryl says, “I work with Mayan teachers in the highlands of Guatemala several times a year, and as a gardener, I now associate certain plants with this Central American country that’s just below Mexico.  It’s advertised as the “land of eternal Spring” so the plants that thrive in 70 degree weather are common, although it’s colder in the mountains.

Government building bougainvillea. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten

“The indigenous people are focused on raising corn and coffee, but in the major cities, astounding color can be found in inner courtyard gardens of private homes and hotels.  Leatherleaf, bougainvillea, acanthus, and both canna and calla lilies grow in abundance and are sold by the armfuls to decorate homes and churches. One such market is on the steps of the cathedral in Chichicastenango. In the old days, such plants were the source of dyes for the beautiful hand woven textilles still worn by the women.”

Bougainvillea. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten

Gorgeous, Cheryl! Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with us!

Fountain Don Rodrigo. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten
Muchas colores. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten
Red canna. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten
Riot of Color in January. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten
Yellow canna and bougainvillea. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten
Saint in salvia. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cheryl Weeks-Rosten

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/22/2013

    For all of us who have visions of flower filled glory when we plant a clematis to scamper up through a tree...OMG, that photo of the bougainvillea spilling out from the top of the palm type tree is beyond amazing! I am humbled and inspired by it and the lush bountiful beauty of how things grow in Guatamala.

  2. tractor1 01/22/2013

    Amazingly it's January, the dead of winter in Guatamala, plants only get bigger and better during the rest of the year.

  3. NevadaSue 01/22/2013

    Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing your travels with us. What a fun flower market, I always love wandering through them and enjoying the lushness of color and beauty. The bougainvilleas are wonderful as are the other beautiful gardens. Working with the mayan teachers sounds like a really interesting and fun thing to do. I bet they really appreciate you coming.

  4. Wife_Mother_Gardener 01/22/2013

    The palm with the bougainvillea is something! Thanks for sharing.

  5. passwords 01/22/2013

    What a riot of color. Just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

  6. cwheat000 01/23/2013

    So beautiful, so full of life , so full of color, wow!

  7. pattyspencer 01/23/2013

    Wow - that bougainvillea is to die for! Beautiful!!

  8. reggie2013 01/24/2013

    what a beuitiful place to live heres a good link at

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