The Dirt

Happy Garden Accidents

Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B.Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B. Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B. Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B. Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B.Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B. Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B. Spade
Morning glories in smoke bush
Photo/Illustration: B. Spade

Several years ago, I convinced my mother to invest in two smoke bushes to frame the back porch of her home. I loved the deep maroonish grey color of the plant. This recommendation, however, was the first and last that she took without hesitation. She still gives me the evil eye whenever I go to visit and admiringly comment on how nice they look. The evil eye stare is an indication that she blames me for the fact that it’s a pain to prune them every season to keep them down to a decent size.

This year, however, I didn’t get quite such an evil glare. I attribute this to the fact that her favorite mixed morning glories happily decided to climb up and weave in and out of the plants. First thing in the morning, you can sit in the kitchen or on the backyard patio and admire the early morning color before the blooms close up for the day. They add a little something to those foggy, Pennsylvania mornings. It’s one of the best happy garden accidents that I’ve seen, and I owe the morning glories a dept of gratitude for softening my mom’s bitterness toward her smoke bushes.

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  1. valleygardener 10/08/2009

    I enjoyed this " happy garden accident" thought,thank you. I planted Grandpa Ott's morning glory too many years ago to remember. I had pulled it out in my changeable country cottage garden but I still find it on occasion. Well, this year I had a "happy garden accident with the lovely dark purple colored blooms entwining my pillar structure and mingling with the Joseph's Coat rose. I would like to think it a garden gift and not an accident at this point. But it got me smiling. One of my neighbors said if you plant morning glories you will have them forever so maybe I will find more "happy accident/gifts".

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