Garden Photo of the Day

Inspired Montana Paradise

Vegetables and flowers fill a Montana garden

Nina Eadie shared her beautiful little greenhouse with us yesterday, and when I asked her more about her garden, sent along some beautiful shots of her exterior garden. Her frigid Montana climate certainly hasn’t stopped her from creating a garden paradise.

She writes,

Our yard is an acre, but we spend most of our time in what we refer to as the ‘dog yard.’  It has the best access to the house, the greenhouse, the BBQ, and both the upper and lower vegetable gardens, and the trees have finally gotten big enough that last year I was able to start a little shade garden.   Most of the rest of the yard is planted mostly with evergreens and shrubs, although I’ve gradually been adding some perennials along the dry stream bed.

Dog yard with greenhouse in background
The path along dry stream bed
Sand cherries (Prunus x cistena, Zones 2 – 8) and ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius, Zones 2 – 8) at beginning of dry streambed
Lupines (Lupinus polyphyllus, Zones 3 – 8) and redbud (Cercis canadensis, Zones 4 – 8)
Lower vegetable bed below dog yard


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View 25 comments


  1. user-1020932 03/06/2018

    Still looking great, Nina! The camellias were a treat as well, i'm late to the party here as usual.

  2. Maggieat11 03/06/2018

    VERY impressive! What a pleasure working in your garden must be. I love it all and am quite taken with your fabulous views as well.

  3. user-7017435 03/06/2018

    Good morning Ms. Eadie, Your gardens are beautifully planned & gorgeous. good luck, Joe

  4. VikkiVA 03/06/2018

    Beautiful garden Nina! I don't envy your frigid winter temps but I do envy your magnificent view of the snow capped mountains. Thanks for sharing.

  5. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/06/2018

    Oh, my, love it all!!!!

  6. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/06/2018

    Oh, my, love it all!!!! Just so beautiful. How on earth do you keep it all weeded?

    1. wildthyme 03/06/2018

      Again, thank you all for your comments. Believe it or not treasuresmom, weeds are not a huge problem. As someone (?) said, if you have weeds it just means you don't have enough plants! The beds are planted densely, and any area that isn't planted is heavily mulched. I walk through the yard pretty much every day, and I pull any weed I see before it gets big enough to go to seed. The biggest job is cutting back all the ornamental grasses and perennials. I usually leave that job 'til spring, when I'm desperate enough to get out in the yard that any garden job is welcome!

  7. flowerladydi 03/06/2018

    Just Gorgeous Nina!!!! Perfection!!!

  8. user-3571852 03/06/2018

    Your curving beds, edgings and fences are so beautifully laid out. The vista of snow capped mountains make me nostalgic as they remind me of childhood memories - I'm now surrounded by cityscapes. These two days of pictures have been really special! Thank you! Would love to see more. Margaret

  9. Vezpasia 03/06/2018

    Just so lovely, you have created a paradise, thank you for sharing it with us, I love the way you have created “rooms” within your garden so interesting, wonderful.

  10. User avater
    PKKing 03/06/2018

    Thank you again for sharing your Montana paradise! It is total eye candy. I'm sure for you it makes those long winter months endurable knowing what awaits in the summer.

  11. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/06/2018

    I'm such a sucker for a graceful curve and that one at the end of your dog yard is gorgeous. I also love how the metal lines in the series of curved top trellises seem to mimic the upright stems of the all so visually pleasing. You have a beautiful property with a truly stunning view.

  12. Cenepk10 03/06/2018

    What a treat for my eyes ! Really beautiful

  13. cheryl_c 03/06/2018

    Just want to echo all the wonderful comments yesterday and today - such a graceful and well kept garden, and the 'borrowed views' are spectacular. I'm especially envious of your lupines - they melt here in Missouri - and of your obvious talent in layout and design. Hope your spring comes soon! Send more pictures when you can.

  14. user-7003263 03/06/2018

    One word: gorgeous. Loved the sign going into the vegie garden; made me laugh.

  15. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/06/2018

    So tickety-boo and tidy! Looks great, especially with those borrowed views of the mountains.

  16. sheila_schultz 03/06/2018

    It would be hard to tire of working in the gardens when all you have to do is raise your head and see your magnificent view! Beautiful Nina.

  17. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 03/06/2018

    Hi Nina, just looked back at yesterday’s post since I missed it and love your greenhouse. We also grow a Meyer lemon and a Bear’s lime in our heated greenhouse. Our camellias can survive outside but that little one of yours is precious. You do have a paradise to garden in and it looks like you make the most of it. Beautiful.

  18. linnyg. 03/06/2018

    Fabulous - having lived in the prairie of Montana for a decade, I admire what you have overcome. I probably learned more about gardening in Montana (where it's difficult) than in western Washington (where nearly everything flourishes). I love your backdrop - are those the Bitterroot Mountains I see?

    1. wildthyme 03/08/2018

      Right you are! I appreciate your sentiment about gardening in Montana. We came here as transplants from California (where nearly everything grows), and it's been a real education!

  19. Chris_N 03/06/2018

    The photo with the nine-bark and sandcherries looks like it was taken in a natural area. That's a well composed photo. By the way, the term "dog yard" does not conjure up the beautiful garden images you have graced us with. Thanks for sharing!

    1. wildthyme 03/08/2018

      Chris N that's a wonderful compliment! I've struggled to try to create a 'natural' look along the dry streambed and it's been a lot harder than I imagined.

  20. carolineyoungwilliams 03/07/2018

    Nina, I enjoyed my visit in your garden. Your garden is very beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your paradise with us.

  21. foxglove12 03/10/2018

    Love all the views and the rustic fencing. Very impressive crop of lupin! I just don't have enough sun for them.

  22. Toepfer 01/20/2020

    Beautiful and inspiring! I am moving to Montana from the pacific northwest and I didn't think I could grow any of the fun stuff you have. Which side of the state are you located?? Are those the Bridger mountains, Swans??

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