Garden Photo of the Day

Rock Garden Details

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

The designer of this little river-rock tower says that of all the creative hardscape touches she’s added to her small garden over the years, this has always gotten the most attention. It’s elegant in its simplicity, and it’s minute-quick and free. What more could you ask for?

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View 3 comments


  1. user-7006882 03/02/2010

    Very appealing. I'm curious...are the stones fastened together in some way to prevent their rearrangement?

    Stan Horst

  2. MichelleGervais 03/02/2010

    Not at all, Stan. They're just stacked. If they fall over, they fall over. Then there's an opportunity to do something different!

  3. Gardener89 03/02/2010

    Hey, thats cool!
    I have actually seen a few creations like those that can withstand destruction...It think its the way they are stacked that makes it more sturdy...
    mgervais... I'd like to see more of your rock garden. ( =

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