Garden Photo of the Day

Jeff’s summertime garden in Tennessee, Day 1

Let’s spend the next two days in Jeff Calton’s garden, shall we? I. for one, never get tired of it, and from what I can see, it looks better than ever this year!

Jeff says, “I do a walkabout every day to check out what is going on in the garden and the changes from the day before…sometimes good changes and sometimes not so much. Yes, I have too much “stuff” but I do enjoy growing it all and seeing how it performs here in the hills of Tennessee.

I don’t have many wide angle shots for two reasons: lately i’m focusing on the flowers, colors, and textures, and I can’t seem to get everything done all at the same time for photos. The grass always seems to grow too fast and I can’t keep up!”

I know what you mean, Jeff. At least you seem to be keeping up with the weeds–I don’t see even one!  ***11 more photos tomorrow–stay tuned!***

—–Keep sending in photos of your garden, everyone! Without you, the GPOD wouldn’t exist! Join the fun and let us all see what you’re doing in your garden this year.—–

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  1. perenniallycrazy 06/24/2014

    I totally agree - can't get enough of Jeff's and his clients' gardens year in and year out! Too bad we're not neighbours as that patio is just crying out for some company. I'll take three of each plant please especially the Kona Koffee, Incrediball, Clivia and the Begonia Escargot. =)

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      Cherry, neighbors or not you're welcome here anytime. probably nobody could get a word in edgewise with us on the patio

  2. user-1020932 06/24/2014

    this was a nice surprise. i had messages about "my post" and i didnt' have a clue. things are growing FAST altho some are dying FAST too. a week of excessive heat pretty much killed off the Calliope geraniums and the dwarf peach color dahlias. and Michelle, trust, there are weeds. pine straw mulch eliminates MOST of the weeds but nothing seems to stop Oxalis

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/24/2014

    Jeff, it is hard to believe that, at this time last year, that festive looking patio was just a work in it has so much fun personality... reflecting its owner. Love the liveliness of the container with the bright coleus and you already know how I've been embarrassing myself with clivia envy...yours is picture perfect.

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      Mike, when you and Darwin were here it was a pile of rocks! things are beginning to slow down a bit here i HAVE to make time to visit Friendsville

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 06/24/2014

        You know the proverbial welcome mat is always out. Of course, if we shared a walk about through my garden, you'd probably leave feeling like you just endured starring in a sequel to Hitchcock's The Birds...'cause I'd be picking your brain every other step.

  4. User avater
    HelloFromMD 06/24/2014

    Hi Jeff, your containers always look great. I can't believe I'm seeing a huge Ligularia in sun? Those dark leaves look great. How are you growing it? Oh, I'll second the clivia envy too. Oxalis is unstoppable. Also dandelions germinate on top of the mulch at my house.

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      the plant with darkleaves is Colocasia Kona Koffee, the other dark leaved plantwith some green veining is Colocasia illustris ,,,,,,,,Kona will take a lot of sun as long as it's constantly WET

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/24/2014

    Looks fantastic, Jeff. I am crazy about that snail-shell rex begonia. Show stopper. Great plants all around. It is nice to see broad views of a garden, but I love the vignettes.

    Michelle: is Antonio working on a way to have a higher-resolution image to view? The photos are still really down-sampled , showing compression artifacts, and super small on a high-resolution monitor.

  6. joycedaffodilhill 06/24/2014

    Wow. I think this is the best group of small vignettes possible. Would love a garden tour, but feel it might be too, too depressing. Enjoy and thanks for sharing

  7. user-7006958 06/24/2014

    Beautiful pots! Love coleus in any setting but that arrangement with the begonia rex escargot took my breath away!

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      thanks, Daniela! i think of everything here that is the one plant people go "wow" over consistently

  8. GrannyMay 06/24/2014

    Always a treat to see your garden Jeff. Everything looks fantastic! I hope there are some closeups of your patio tomorrow - the long-distance view is tantalizing!

    I love coloured Callas! Do yours bloom for an extended period? I can't seem to keep them blooming for longer than a couple of weeks. Any care suggestions?

  9. appaloosa 06/24/2014

    What town in Tennessee do you live?

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      Carolyn, i'm very near Kingsport

  10. schatzi 06/24/2014

    I agree with all the comments, and I have serious Escargot begonia envy! I love the fancy leafed begonias and I have a terrible time keeping them alive, I know they like it on the dry side, but they need some water - I always seem to err to either extreme. Again, Jeff, wanna come out west and do my yard? Would be nice! It would be great to have a garden party and get to meet all you folks.

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      shirley, i let the Escargot get a little wilty then soak them thoroughly. they are getting kind of large now and with the heat they dry out fast

  11. annek 06/24/2014

    Looove that patio! Next set of photos, I'd like to see one of you sitting there sipping on something cold and refreshing. I know, you're way to busy! Anyway, stunning group of photos, Jeff. There are so many plants I want, I can't list them all. I can hardly wait to see tomorrows group.

    1. user-1020932 06/24/2014

      no idea what's up for tomorrow, i tend to overload Michelle with pics and she has to select so it will be a surprise for me as well

  12. appaloosa 06/24/2014

    I know someone in Lafollette now and a relative was born in Claiborne Co in 1799.

  13. sheila_schultz 06/24/2014

    Love each and every peek of what makes you happy in the am, Jeff... the 'lushness' of your TN gardens always make me smile. Question for you and our friends. I just returned from Chicago for a family event and I also was checking out the Michigan Ave. containers. (They are way more than interesting, beautiful & spectacular.) There was a plant that I love and I don't know what it is. It looked like a green Colocasia leaf w/ ruffled edges. Is it? We don't have them in Denver.

  14. schatzi 06/25/2014

    Thanks much for the reply, Jeff. Maybe I let them get too-o-o wilty before I water them. Try, try again.

  15. Tate85 06/25/2014

    Oh, stunning images! Jeff, what's this variegated climber (next to a large pot) on image #8? Thank you!

    1. user-1020932 06/25/2014

      that is a variegated virginia creeper,,,,,,,,,,,,star showers

      1. Tate85 06/25/2014

        Stunning plant. Thank you!

  16. greengenes 07/15/2014

    Well Jeff I know this is a little late in responding..but I think you will get this thru Disque in your email. I do, anyway is that a ceanothis in the background of picture one? And I enjoy your bananas! I cant find any this year in the stores. Its so weird. So this year I opted for cardoons to use in my planters. I thought it would be a big dramatic look and it is somewhat but they aren't ment to live in pots. I believe their root is like a big tap root so they are hinderd and they wont reach their full potential. They even look stressed and yellow. Live and learn... that's what makes part of gardening fun! Well have a great summer!

  17. user-4691082 03/13/2015

    Clivia, you lucky dog!

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